BBC News

13 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
Tonight's topic on the Beeb News was Climate change Greenhouse Gasses and putting the blame for it all firmly at the feet of the industrial revolution.

A subject that is never mentioned during any report on climate change is the detonation of some 16,000 plus nuclear bombs in a 45 year period.

Pick and Choose.
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I read a book review about a chap called Peter Feucher who went on expeditions to Greenland in the 1920s and '30s. Amazing adventures. He developed a taste for skua left to pickle in the belly of a seal for a year. Anyway. He established the town of Thule on the northwest coast of the island and when he went back there at the end of the '50s found the American airbase had totally transformed the landscape. His Inuit friends told him their lives were more secure but weren't happy about the retreating ice as hunting was becoming more difficult.
It can't be a coincidence that the changing climate accelerated after WWII when nuclear testing was largely unreported and unregulated.
A subject that is never mentioned during any report on climate change is the detonation of some 16,000 plus nuclear bombs in a 45 year period.
Sorry to be the one to fact check, but I'm afraid there have only been around 2000 test detonations...and two used in war.

With around 13'000 nuclear weapons estimated to currently exist (90% owned by Russia or the US).

Whether you believe a US government agency, or not, NOAA have some research that suggests a huge RELATIVE spike (the graphs are based on ratios) of CO2 released by early nuclear tests...

However, the spike was short lived; there appears to be very little radioactive CO2 markers in the atmosphere today.
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Sorry to be the one to fact check, but I'm afraid there have only been around 2000 test detonations...and two used in war.
Correct, I misread the facts, eight nations 2000 bombs, nonetheless, "have only been around 2000" I think one nuclear detonation would cause profound damage to the atmosphere let alone marine ecology.
Man made release of CO2 isn't even a tiny fraction of 1% of all the CO2 that is released naturally by nature. Someone needs to explain to me in a sensible manner how all of the CO2 released naturally in history by nature doesn't have an effect on our weather . . . .

CO2 is plant food. If the release of CO2 from fossil fuels is the root cause of global changes in weather patterns, then please explain to me why my grass isn't greener & my oceans aren't spewing out food to feed the world.

We have NEVER enjoyed a stable climate, why then do we have to pay a tax on the CO2 that we allegedly create???
Man made release of CO2 isn't even a tiny fraction of 1% of all the CO2 that is released naturally by nature. Someone needs to explain to me in a sensible manner how all of the CO2 released naturally in history by nature doesn't have an effect on our weather . . . .

CO2 is plant food. If the release of CO2 from fossil fuels is the root cause of global changes in weather patterns, then please explain to me why my grass isn't greener & my oceans aren't spewing out food to feed the world.

We have NEVER enjoyed a stable climate, why then do we have to pay a tax on the CO2 that we allegedly create???

True, the earth has always had a changing climate.
Doesn't mean we humans have to try and change it some more.

Fossil fuels took tens of millions of years to form. Tens of millions of years of carbon dioxide squirrelled.
We're doing our best to release it all back into the atmosphere in what, 300 years?

It's the rate of change, and our driving of it, that's so selfish.
True, the earth has always had a changing climate.
Doesn't mean we humans have to try and change it some more.

Fossil fuels took tens of millions of years to form. Tens of millions of years of carbon dioxide squirrelled.
We're doing our best to release it all back into the atmosphere in what, 300 years?

It's the rate of change, and our driving of it, that's so selfish.
The question is though "Can we really change it's direction:

Are we as a population really willing to give up the lifestyles that we have become so accustomed to, to drive this change.

We are, in relation to the world we live in, worldy selfish or, worldly naive.

I am not actually intelligent enough to explain my point. I think we all live in our little cocoons living our own lives with our own ambitions, do people care about the bigger picture, no, they care more for their own ends.
True, the earth has always had a changing climate.
Doesn't mean we humans have to try and change it some more.

Fossil fuels took tens of millions of years to form. Tens of millions of years of carbon dioxide squirrelled.
We're doing our best to release it all back into the atmosphere in what, 300 years?

It's the rate of change, and our driving of it, that's so selfish.
If you think that you can somehow alter it, then you are sufferring from the great delusions of grandeur.

CO2 emissions are taxed because they can be measured & taxed & in our near futures they are one of the few things that they can tax us on.
Tonight's topic on the Beeb News was Climate change Greenhouse Gasses and putting the blame for it all firmly at the feet of the industrial revolution.

A subject that is never mentioned during any report on climate change is the detonation of some 16,000 plus nuclear bombs in a 45 year period.

Pick and Choose.
Not really pick and choose. There's no "equivalence" between greenhouse gases and nuke explosions.
If you want to compare, quantify something.
we all live in our little cocoons living our own lives with our own ambitions, do people care about the bigger picture, no, they care more for their own ends.
I've always said this: their attitude is "I don't care, we'll be dead in less than 100 years. Now, what I do to make as much money as possible?"
Tonight's topic on the Beeb News was Climate change Greenhouse Gasses and putting the blame for it all firmly at the feet of the industrial revolution.

They're obsessed.

It's the new religion.

Climates change.

Only muppets fall for it hook, line and sinker.

These muppets are costing us all a fortune.
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