Bird feeders and tables why a change?

27 Jan 2008
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Llanfair Caereinion, Nr Welshpool
United Kingdom
I have been feeding the birds for around 10 years, first house was always a bit intermittent and never got mobbed with birds, often had to renew seed as it had gone off.

Moved in with late mother around 3 years ago and had a bird feeder, a caravan shaped nest box which I put seed into and a bird table, never seen so many birds, they would go in the caravan, and mobbed the bird table counted 20 starlings on same table plus many others including a seagull, it was near enough a daily job filling the feeders.

Last year and this year no starlings around, and the other birds still use bird feeder but don't seem to use bird table or caravan.

Loads of morning bird song so they are around, but much reduced garden activity. Feeder lasts a week. Any ideas why?
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But with ref to birds

Apparently it has become common practice for property developers who buy up land to net all the trees and hedges on the land so as to stop or to deter birds from nesting which could hold up building works ??

Talk of making this practice illegal
Won't ever happen...

Developers are major government 'donors'/financiers !

It will be made illegal it's all ready illegal to disturb a nesting bird
In effect any development would come to s halt untill the bird stopped nesting

Recent site I was on a 3 storey library ground to a virtual halt because of a Robin
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Recent site I was on a 3 storey library ground to a virtual halt because of a Robin
You can't accuse the government of being a robin' whatever, when it's declared an austerity drive.
If it closes libraries, well tuff! ;)

Now if it had been a Robin Hood, that would have been a different matter. Book 'im!

Mind you a 3 story library ain't much of a library!

Can you give us chapter and verse on the story?

Sorry, this comment is getting a bit wordy.
No new build in area, however county council do not collect the green waste in the winter, so the rules about doing all tree trimming hedge cutting before birds start to nest is not being done, as can't get rid of the waste.

I do wonder if all down to starlings, and if during that one years they had stripped all the food so all birds finding it hard to get enough, now starlings have gone for what ever reason, there is more food to go around?
It will be made illegal it's all ready illegal to disturb a nesting bird
How can you prove that a bird would have come to nest in an area that has been netted prior to nesting season? :rolleyes:

Have fun with that one!
Last year and this year no starlings around, and the other birds still use bird feeder but don't seem to use bird table or caravan.

Bird numbers / species have changed a lot in the last decade or so.

Starling numbers seem to vary quite a bit, year to year. They do love fat balls or seed mixtures with grated suet, so you are likely to get them arriving in some numbers if you put out such food.

Corvids have become a bit of a problem, we get lots of jackdaws which have learnt to use the feeders.

We get mostly sparrows and blue tits, also get smaller numbers of great tits, long tailed tits, goldfinches, dunnocks etc coming to the feeders.

I was pleased to see a goldcrest at the bottom of the garden earlier this year.
How can you prove that a bird would have come to nest in an area that has been netted prior to nesting season? :rolleyes:

Have fun with that one!

How can u prove they would not

Have fun with that one ;)
How can you prove that a bird would have come to nest in an area that has been netted prior to nesting season? :rolleyes:

Have fun with that one!
How can you prove that a bird would have come to nest in an area that has been netted prior to nesting season? :rolleyes:

Have fun with that one!

you cant

But then by that comment we could just as well wipe out all bird life in the UK

Does that make you feel better
I priced a job in Saffron Walden yesterday. A beautiful terraced cottage in a beautiful street in a beautiful village with a lovely meadow at the end.
It appears that there are plans to build on the meadow at the end.

In all the windows were campaign notices apposing the build. One of these houses had a vote Liberal plack.

So this person votes Liberal who want open door immigration which means we need alot more houses built.

His right to vote for who he wants and believe in the EU and what it stands for.
Just as long as it doesn't affect his priverlidge lifestyle.
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