Boris Johnson : Let the Bodies pile high in their thousands

I'm not voting in our local elections, I've no idea who any of the candidates are or what they stand for. Will I complain about the result? No. I've no skin in the game.

Maybe you should say I should find out, but I'd counter if you're standing for election for some public office, you put the work in if you want me to vote for you.
The problem is that in local elections people still tend to vote on party lines...

I've maintained for a long time that local politicians should all be independents...

But failing that, if the party system is maintained then instead of a FPTP in multiple 'wards' all councils should be elected by PR...
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The problem is that in local elections people still tend to vote on party lines...

I've maintained for a long time that local politicians should all be independents...

But failing that, if the party system is maintained then instead of a FPTP in multiple 'wards' all councils should be elected by PR...
I'm not convinced that the FPTP and party system has anything like the swings and criss-crossing of policies that is seen in the national government.
The wards are better represented in local governments by their councillor, who frequently work for their constituents regardless of political loyalty.
That is evidently not the same for central governments who absolutely favour their own constituency over other more deserving localities and regions.
I'm also not convinced that local politicians operate the restricting whip system which serves to stifle independence (and alternative expertise) of politicians.

I accept that this all beyond the understanding of Mottie. That's his problem.
I cannot understand anyone who abstains from voting.

What an absolute waste.

I don’t vote :cool: apart from in the referendum

if there had been a 2nd ref I would not have bothered

don’t see any reason as to why I would vote in a general
Election :confused:
Why wouldn't you vote? what that achieves?

You don't see any reason?

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I'm not voting in our local elections......

I didn't vote at all during new Labour years as I didn't consider there to be any party worth voting for.
Voting isn't just about choosing a new Govt. You vote locally, for who you think will do the right thing for your local area.
Why wouldn't you vote? what that achieves?

You don't see any reason?

So what is your answer to MP's abstaining from voting then?

Surely you would want continuity throughout the voting system, wouldn't you?

Of course not allowing people to abstain would require compulsory voting...

Would you support compulsory voting in a so called 'democracy'?
Why wouldn't you vote? what that achieves?

You don't see any reason?


Apathy so the incumbents win. Our two party system is so broken. The only semblance of your vote couting is being a floating voter.

We need a system of PR where everyone vote counts. How is it democratic that parties like the Greens and UKIP poll in the high single digits but do not get any represenatation. You need less votes on average to win one Tory seat than you do to win an oppostion seat.

We need more parties to represent wider views and for each vote to count. It's why we have the notion of safe seats with candidates parachuted in.
I have always lived in 'safe seat' constituencies so if I wanted to vote for other than the sitting MP, it would never have made a difference - so no point voting.

All but a few constituencies are like that.
whether he said it or not we will likely never know, a case of he said, she said - and we know neither can be trusted.

however regarding Cummings, why dont he just crawl back into the hole he came from. One thing i did find amusing in that story was this

He (Dom Cummings) tweeted over the weekend that the failure to introduce travel bans more quickly was ‘a very important issue re: learning from the disaster - this coming from the person who broke covid rules and then made up some long winded fake story
Voting isn't just about choosing a new Govt. You vote locally, for who you think will do the right thing for your local area.

I know, I've no idea what any of them are proposing or would do for our local area.
I know, I've no idea what any of them are proposing or would do for our local area.

Locally the greens are best for where I live, unfortunately there overall leaders are crack pots meaning they are unelectable nationally.

I don't like the conservatives locally, (not a fan of them nationally either tbh but best of a bad bunch)

There hell bent on building over every bit of green land possible, and just bulldoze their way through genuine concerns to over development, and forced through an incinerator which has the shortest stack in Europe which contradicts everything the government have said in public and the environment agencies own recommendations and advice.
I know, I've no idea what any of them are proposing or would do for our local area.

ah, if only there was some way of looking at their record, or their election literature, or finding out what the local council does.
the number of local councillors you elect has no effect on the composition of national government.

I am aware of that...

I believe the post I quoted referred to local elections.

Eddie said "I know, I've no idea what any of them are proposing or would do for our local area"
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