Boris the Last (and first)

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Well, it looks like Boris will get his wish to enter the history books as the last Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. And presumably the first Prime Minister of the Kingdom of England and Wales.

I wonder if the fish woman will be the first President of the Federation of Scotland and Northern Ireland.
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Well, it looks like Boris will get his wish to enter the history books as the last Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. And presumably the first Prime Minister of the Kingdom of England and Wales.

I wonder if the fish woman will be the first President of the Federation of Scotland and Northern Ireland.
God it's worse than I thought, please let it not be him, it will just confirm that we don't know what we are doing.He comes accross as somebody who dosen't know his ar se from his elbow. Not really to bothered about Scotlands choice, she has more balls than Boris.
So, another old Etonian will be taking what he regards as his rightful turn as Prime Minister - with more of the old boys team waiting in the backrooms daggers poised.

Does anyone now remember another silver spooned never done anything or held a proper job in his life character who became US President a few years back? And, being a fundamentally weak person, knowing nothing about anything, proceeded to step out as a man of destiny and in many ways give us the tormented world we now have?
If Boris does become Leader of the Conservative Party - he has to become that to then automatically become PM - which requires being voted for by a majority of people who disagree with him, it will, indeed, be just another travesty.
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"Oh ****, what have I done?"
Looking at that Independent page, "pear-shaped" comes to mind.
Well "the boys in the backroom" didn't wait long.
Brutus Gove - a man who betrayed his early roots and affiliations - will also, surprise, surprise, soon be heading for the waste bin of Tory history.
Maybe Politician's Hell is a place, a sealed room, where such as Johnson & Gove will have to spend eternity justifying to each other their "fundamental weaknesses" for clowning & back-stabbing? Not enough time I suppose.

Michael Heseltine summed up our cowardly, confused refugee from the shores of light: "a wrecker".
How the bewildered clown scuttled away when he had to face real consequences for real ignorance.
"When the boys came out to play ... "