Oi Oi saveloy, wassup Boris me old mukker.

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
Sleepy might not have used those exact words, but tonight Boris became the first European leader to receive a call from the POTUS. I think that say's something about our standing in the world.

A reliable source tells me that Boris asked him to sort that French tw@t Macron out, not much after that because Joe nodded off.

Boris Johnson speaks to US President Biden as he's first European leader to get call (msn.com)

Boris Johnson has become the first world leader outside North America to speak to Joe Biden after he confirmed they had a phone conversation.

The Prime Minister was photographed in good spirits speaking to his counterpart across the Atlantic on Saturday evening.

Long-time public servant Biden entered the White House on Wednesday - bringing to an end Donald Trump's controversial time in office.

He then spoke to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Friday.

The former senator and VP to Barack Obama was understood to be planning to call further fellow leaders on Monday and Tuesday before opting to call Downing Street early.

Downing Street said Mr Johnson congratulated Mr Biden on his inauguration, and that the two leaders looked forward to "deepening the close alliance" between their nations.

A No 10 spokesman said they had also discussed the potential benefits of a free trade deal, with the Prime Minister reiterating his intention to resolve the outstanding issues as soon as possible.

They said the PM also warmly welcomed Mr Biden's decision to rejoin the Paris Agreement on climate change and the World Health Organisation.

"The Prime Minister praised President Biden's early action on tackling climate change and commitment to reach net zero by 2050," the spokesman said.
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A No 10 spokesman said they had also discussed the potential benefits of a free trade deal, with the Prime Minister reiterating his intention to resolve the outstanding issues as soon as possible.
BJ lying again:
But when you compare what Downing Street said about the call and what the White House said, one thing leaps out.
No 10's readout refers to a conversation about a trade deal. President Biden's does not.
It's widely expected there'll be no such agreement any time soon.

I've advised you before about your supposed phoney news, but really fake anti-EU news site
I suspect that the misleading report from BJ will have been brought to Biden's attention and confirm his previous estimation of BJ.
That'll serve for Biden to be on his guard against the lying Trump clone.
I suppose it's a bit like TM having to work with Trump when they were in power. It's more about the relationship between the countries rather than the actual leaders.
So Biden will treat Trump as a lying, buffoon, Trump clone who, unfortunately, is the leader of an important ally.
A No 10 spokesman said they had also discussed the potential benefits of a free trade deal

I bet they did.

Tory MPs are gagging for a US trade deal.....loads of money for them.

I wonder why USA libertarians grouped fund Brexit propaganda sites.
A reliable source tells me that Boris asked him to sort that French tw@t Macron out, not much after that because Joe nodded off.

I think we can all agree that filly's words are not to be trusted.

Like Buffoon.
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Brexers have always tried to convince themselves that throwing away the world's finest free trade agreement will not damage the nation's economy, and that it will be easy to gain new ones.
Find a bonfire and this lot will try their best to **** on it.

'They' wont put this inferno out.

This Is What Boris Johnson Discussed In His First Call With President Joe Biden (msn.com)

© Downing Street/Twitter Biden Boris Call

Boris Johnson scored a small diplomatic victory when he became the first European leader to speak to the new president of the United State on Saturday evening.

There will be some relief in Downing Street at the early call with Joe Biden, amid concerns about the way Johnson’s perceived closeness to Donald Trump would be seen by the new administration.

Even more reassuring for Johnson, a statement from the White House released after the call said Biden “conveyed his intention to strengthen the special relationship”.

It added: “President Biden also noted the importance of cooperation, including through multilateral organisations, on shared challenges such as combatting climate change, containing Covid-19, and ensuring global health security.

“He noted his readiness to work closely with prime minister Johnson as the United Kingdom hosts the G-7 and United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) this year.

“The leaders also discussed the need for coordination on shared foreign policy priorities, including China, Iran, and Russia.”

A Downing Street spokesman said the PM congratulated Biden on his inauguration, and warmly welcomed his decision to rejoin the Paris Agreement on climate change and the World Health Organisation – both abandoned by Donald Trump.

They also said the potential benefits of a post-Brexit free trade deal were also discussed in the call but the White House made no mention of it.

Following the call, Johnson tweeted: “Great to speak to President Joe Biden this evening.

“I look forward to deepening the long-standing alliance between our two countries as we drive a green and sustainable recovery from Covid19.”
First European leader.
Now who else might he have called before getting round to Europe?
Mexico, don't worry we're not going to build a wall.
Canada, yes sorry we are cancelling that pipeline.
Iran, we're looking at the agreement again.
Russia. keep your nose out of our elections.
China, let's stop this silly trade war?





Europe, UK, Hello, everything OK there?
France, keep planting those trees in the avenues so the Germans can march in the shade when they next invade.
Yep Biden called johnson

not that scoundrel macron

or the Germans

blimey does he have nicola sturgeon on his call list

he will probably give Corbin a ring to get some advice on incontinence pants :LOL:
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