Brexit with tariffs, or Brexit without tariffs? No-one knows

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15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
It will come as no surprise to anyone that with just few weeks to go, our government has not yet been able to decide what it wants.

No surprise that the many in the EU and the citizens of this country consider the UK government to be a bunch of incompetent halfwits.

"As the FT’s Leila Abboud reports today, Mr Gove has just made an important announcement on this, saying Britain will impose tariffs and quotas on agricultural products to protect farmers if there is a no-deal Brexit. But Mr Gove’s speech has provoked fury in government ranks.

As The Sun reports, Mr Hammond and Liam Fox, the international trade secretary, are fighting a rearguard action, insisting that tariffs must remain low in order to protect consumers.

According to The Times, Mr Hammond is championing consumers, who face higher food prices as a result of the tariffs. Greg Clark, the business secretary, is also pressing for opt-outs for industries, including ceramics."
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It will come as no surprise to anyone that with just few weeks to go, our government has not yet been able to decide what it wants.

No surprise that the many in the EU and the citizens of this country consider the UK government to be a bunch of incompetent halfwits.

"As the FT’s Leila Abboud reports today, Mr Gove has just made an important announcement on this, saying Britain will impose tariffs and quotas on agricultural products to protect farmers if there is a no-deal Brexit. But Mr Gove’s speech has provoked fury in government ranks.

As The Sun reports, Mr Hammond and Liam Fox, the international trade secretary, are fighting a rearguard action, insisting that tariffs must remain low in order to protect consumers.

According to The Times, Mr Hammond is championing consumers, who face higher food prices as a result of the tariffs. Greg Clark, the business secretary, is also pressing for opt-outs for industries, including ceramics."
Are you suggesting that the Cabinet do not know what their plans are post-Brexit?
Well at least the responsibility will be collective.
No surprise that the many in the EU and the citizens of this country consider the UK government to be a bunch of incompetent halfwits.
Many consider it a price worth paying to Exit EU
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What would you consider to be a too high a price to leave the EU?
Quitters do not concern themselves with such thoughts...

Such is the way of their cult like beliefs!
As I suspected, Brexit is an ideology, a cult following, not based on rationale.
I wonder what the underlying ideology is that fuels such devout following.
Trust you lot to turn a purely economic decision into some sort of pseudo religious deeply dark spiritual conspiracy load of crap
As with any cult...

Absolute stupidity and underlying prejudice!
Unless its Your religion sure you are some practising religious dude and ex chorister!!!Which invisible friend do you pray to each night?
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As I suspected, Brexit is an ideology, a cult following, not based on rationale.
I wonder what the underlying ideology is that fuels such devout following.
Oh look, Himmy want's to turn this into another 'brexiteers must be racist' rant.
Oh look, Himmy want's to turn this into another 'brexiteers must be racist' rant.

wasnt the Brexit Vote based on " Project Fear" the Financial aspect was never discussed other than a promise to give the Health Service £350 million every week
wasnt the Brexit Vote based on " Project Fear" the Financial aspect was never discussed other than a promise to give the Health Service £350 million every week
Oh pleeezze,,,,,that fekin red bus!!!!!!
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