Building Regs in 2005 question.

26 Sep 2007
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NE Northants
United Kingdom
A bedroom extension on our bungalow was given planning permission in late 2004 and so I assume built during 2005. Outer skin is brick and the inner wall is some type of block construction.
Would the planning/building regulations of 2005 required an insulation layer between the brick and block skins during construction ?
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I recall specifying 50mm quilt in a 50mm cavity back in the early 2000's. But it was possible to have a clear cavity and use high-performanace blocks instead.
If there was an 'option' then I think I'll pop into the planning office next time I'm out that way and see if their records are specific in detail.
Other wise I suppose the only alternative is to drill a hole in the skin and see what comes out !
A few years ago when CWI was "free", a team came down my street - salesman at the front. If you expressed an interest the guy behind had a drill and a boroscope and he would check what was in your wall before they signed you up.
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If there was an 'option' then I think I'll pop into the planning office next time I'm out that way and see if their records are specific in detail.
Other wise I suppose the only alternative is to drill a hole in the skin and see what comes out !
Like most the regualtions, a performance is specified (ie u-value in this case), but how that is acheived is down to the applicant. So internal, external or cavity insulation, specific blocks, or a wider cavity are options to meet the performace requirement.
Like most the regualtions, a performance is specified (ie u-value in this case), but how that is acheived is down to the applicant. So internal, external or cavity insulation, specific blocks, or a wider cavity are options to meet the performace requirement.
Ah, thanks, so specification can be achieved in different ways, didn't know that.
I'll give the planning office a try and see if they have any records that might help, otherwise it will be a "hole in the wall' jobbie. !!
Ah, thanks, so specification can be achieved in different ways, didn't know that.
Construction for all parts of a building can be specified in all sorts of different ways :!: U values for external walls changed over the years but ,as others have said , higher performance blocks could be used for the internal leaf with a clear cavity . The thickness of the block would improve the thermal insulation rather than a wider clear cavity. I can't remember without checking but I think a house built in 2005 would usually have some form of cavity insulation whether full or partial fill to meet Part L of the bldg. regs.

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