Can i put a clear roof on a lean to!

13 Jan 2011
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United Kingdom
Hello, I am planning on having the lean to/summer house below built, but I would like to have a clear/see through roof ( the ones you have on a conservatory) would this be possible or will it make it too weak to stand up in bad weather.


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Yes no problem. You can use a decent quality triwall polycarbonate. You do need to detail it correctly using tape over the ends etc and correct flashings.
r896neo thank you for your reply. What would be the best thing to buy, do you have a suggestion at all. Can you explain more about ' I need to detail it correctly using tape over ends' as I have no idea what I am doing! I already have a concrete floor and I have wooden decking over the top of this. I felt that I would put another wooden flooring on the top of the decking for the lean to ( maybe put some more support underneath the decking)....I am going to put my 6ft tall fridge and 6ft tall freezer out there so I hope it can hold this weight. Then I want to put a dining table and chairs an a sofa. I am trying to find idea's on how to do this on 'youtube' but have not found anything suitable yet. Many thanks, Carolyn.
So no dpc ? (Damp proof course?)

You normally would need to bolt/screw the lean too to the base. There would also be a large beam fitted to the wall of the house to act as support for the roof. From this come rafters ( sloping down) and purlins ( running at right angles to the rafters This creates a strong box like structure

Then (if the roof is wood) an aluminium bar is fitted to each rafter, designed with a recess for the plastic roof, and capped with aluninium or plastic

There are aluminium roof structures available as well(i.e. No need for the wood)

Bear in mind that a freezer stored outside in wha will be a very cold in winter and very hot in summer box will be working like the clappers.
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No damp proof course for the floor as it won't be touching the ground, it will be sitting on top of decking. I definitely want a clear/see through roof as its going to be so dark. I am having electrics put out there and maybe a radiator, or maybe a plug in heater, not sure what one to pick to be honest. I will have the double doors to the side and I want windows all along the front so it is light and airy.
You need to rethink. Your decking is totally unsuitable as a floor, and not suitable to build walls on top of. Putting a radiator out in this would be a huge waste of time.

I think you must decide whether you want a lean to with proper walls and floor or you want a shed stuck on the reaer of the house. The shed will be ok for storage and a freezer etc but a sofa will quickly get ruined in such a damp environment.
I am a bit stuck then to be honest....I cannot have a conservatory, so felt that the lean to in the pic above would be perfect. But they must have teirs sitting on a raised concrete base i'm guessing.
No I doubt theirs does its just a shed floor by the looks of it. I just was trying to make you aware of the limitations. Its basically a shed, would you be happy putting a sofa in a damp freezing shed?

Merely putting a radiator out there does not make it a habitable room.

You can insulate it a little in the walls but without a proper floor it will be very cold and draughty.
Would it be suitable if I made a concrete base then flooring on top of that!
I would say you have 2 choices.

1. Go with the shed lean to on your decking and live with the compromise of it being cold, draughty, a little damp and full of spiders etc.

2. Build a proper small timber frame lean to with insulation in walls and floor. This will be as good as a conservatory but much more expensive than the shed option.

In my opinion there is no middle ground really.
The last place I lived had a double glazed hardwood conservatory which a DG glass roof.
I fitted a radiator in there which froze up and the pipes burst so not one of my better ideas
I have decided to have a wooden roof now, mainly because of bits of tiles sliding off the roof to be honest. I don't want to take any chances.

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