Chaining mpegs

24 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom
Found during a surf ....

Joining MPG files with WinZip.

1. Create a new WinZip File.

2. Select None for Compression.

3. Add or move the MPG files into the archive playback order. I tried selecting multiple files and it did not always put them in the correct order. Adding the files one at a time is the sure method.

4. When you have all of the files in the archive close it.

5. Change the .zip extension to .mpg

6. Click on the file and it should load and play as one
continuous file.

7. If you need to get the individual files back rename the .mpg file back to .zip. If you click on the file WinZip will open it up and the individual files are still there.

Apparently this will only work if the files have the same mpg parameters. Frame size, rate, audio setting etc...
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Moz said:
wow !.....????

If you are putting a topical compilation together and just want one mpeg to start after another, but retain the separate files ... Then the technique works fine...

Anyway, mostly I post such stuff as I save it to 'Opera Notes', for my own benefit, a very useful part of the Opera browser...
Notes:- Can be used for "to do" lists, text snippets from Web pages you want to keep around, e-mail message templates, and any other strings of text you want to keep readily at hand.
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