Cheering in Parliament after motion to melt firefighters pay freeze...

Labour under Brown held talks with the DUP in 2010 with a view to forming a coalition
no details of the talks have been made public , labour refuse to release any details :)
Hmmm I wonder why ?? ;)
Nice propaganda picture ;)
You mentioned this yesterday.
It was responded to yesterday.
Why repost it?
I will repost my response. It is not my fault if you continue to pretend to not be able to see it.
The labour party/ government had secret (?) talks with the DUP in 2010 when Brown lost his majority in an attempt to form some type of coalition ;)
Labour have never revealed the detail of those talks ;)was on Radio 4 this morning . The Labour shadow minister on Brexit was questioned about it ;)
You mean the fake news was mentioned on the radio, so it must be true.
You will notice that no mention was made as to who initiated those "conversations":
There is no need to reveal the details of a deal that was never made, especially if it was never made.
But it does demonstrate how the DUP will include blackmail and smear campaigns in its political manoeuvres.
The 2010 to 2015 period was particularly troublesome for the DUP.
Apparently they are currently holding secret talks with Labour and LibDems:
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Someone the other day was on about defending the right of others to their opinion.

Can you remember who it was?

And I disagree with his opinion and how is that mutually exclusive to denying him an opinion. Go on.
And then u lecture people on not understanding fiscal policy :)

And what do u know about emergency services /fire fighters ? My uncle (now deceased) was a station officer for 6 years at a firestation just up road from here.

He retired at 48 on a very good pension , he died at the age of 82. The pension he got plus the lump sum was in part paid for by the tax payer.

So spending money is bad fiscal policy? You really are clueless now.

So you object to a public pension because it was paid for by the tax payer. So you must also hate private pensions as they are paid for by consumers?
Why shouldn't Public sector jobs be subject to the same market forces as non-public sector jobs? If they can fill the vacancies, with good people, with current packages (and a quick search says they can), why should they be paid more? Same for Police. If you are unhappy with your pay - Leave. If everyone feels the same they wont be able to fill posts and will have to increase pay.

Public sector (defined benefits) pensions are funded by taxes, these taxes are paid by people, many of which don't have the same. How is that fair?
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Why all this clamour to give the emergency services more and more money just for doing there job?...SomeCops retire when 50...full pension..£60k lump sum...etc...and thats just the lower ranks...some people in the private sector flog their nuts off for peanuts all their lives and never get to retire....Im self employed and visit retired cops etc at home so Im not talking 3rd hand gossip.Makes me laugh,as soon as a fireman puts a fire out or an armed copper shoots someone half the population want to double their wages.I can assure you the retired cops I know have mad amounts of money from their pension and wages
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Why shouldn't Public sector jobs be subject to the same market forces as non-public sector jobs? If they can fill the vacancies, with good people, with current packages (and a quick search says they can), why should they be paid more? Same for Police. If you are unhappy with your pay - Leave. If everyone feels the same they wont be able to fill posts and will have to increase pay.

Public sector (defined benefits) pensions are funded by taxes, these taxes are paid by people, many of which don't have the same. How is that fair?

Private sector pay has grown faster than public sector pay since 2010. Go check IFS.

Having people swapping in and out of jobs as you want is actually sub-optimal. Experienced workforce is more efficient than an inexperienced workforce so the idea that people should just change jobs and careers is a weak argument.

So public pensions are unfair because other people don't have them? So people earning over say £100k is unfair as the vast majority doesn't earn that?
Why all this clamour to give the emergency services more and more money just for doing there job?...SomeCops retire when 50...full pension..£60k lump sum...etc...and thats just the lower ranks...some people in the private sector flog their nuts off for peanuts all their lives and never get to retire....Im self employed and visit retired cops etc at home so Im not talking 3rd hand gossip.Makes me laugh,as soon as a fireman puts a fire out or an armed copper shoots someone half the population want to double their wages.I can assure you the retired cops I know have mad amounts of money from their pension and wages

But wait on the market forces means that why are you flogging your nuts off - according to the post above you simply can leave your job and get another one.

If being an officer is so well rewarded then why don't you become an officer yourself?
Why all this clamour to give the emergency services more and more money just for doing there job?

Yes, there's a lot of competition for MPs jobs, so market forces dictate we should cut the pay and benefits until number of applicants matches number of vacancies, subject to a floor at minimum wage, because I am something of an interventionist who believes in maintaining standards for decent living conditions.

I'd suggest we start at £390 a week and see how we get on.

This is a capitalist market economy, so obviously the same applies in the private sector.
Private sector pay has grown faster than public sector pay since 2010. Go check IFS.
If the grass in the private sector is greener, then they can leave and work there, assuming they have the skills and attitudes required.

Having people swapping in and out of jobs as you want is actually sub-optimal. Experienced workforce is more efficient than an inexperienced workforce so the idea that people should just change jobs and careers is a weak argument.
If that causes a problem for the employer, then they incentivise the employee to stay.

So public pensions are unfair because other people don't have them? So people earning over say £100k is unfair as the vast majority doesn't earn that?
It's more people on avg incomes of say £35k, having to pay high council tax to provide for someone else's pensions when they themselves can't afford to pay £300,000 in to a pot to get the same pension as a person earning the same as them employed by the council
I know of lots of local firemen who have actually got second busineses going - actual car repair units, building firms, landscaping, electricians, mobile vehicle electrics/alarms. Can't be bad.
They could be Retained/Part Time Firefighters
I know of lots of local firemen who have actually got second businesses going - actual car repair units, building firms, landscaping, electricians, mobile vehicle electrics/alarms. Can't be bad.

My b-i-l is a full-time firefighter, who also has a second job. It is common among his colleagues.
Private sector pay has grown faster than public sector pay since 2010. Go check IFS.

Funnily enough, R5L this morning, according to the IFS, public sector pay is on average still between 12 and 3% better than equiv. private sector, depending on how they worked the figures.
Breakfast Show, Rachel Burden I think wot sed it.
The con government is now running frantically in all directions.

Jack Blanchard


Massive win for Labour. Tory spokesman says public sector pay cap now under review


Jack Blanchard


Tory spokesman says Theresa May has "heard the message" of the election and will consider proper public sector pay rise at the autumn Budget

1:05 PM - 28 Jun 2017

The Tories had previously committed themselves to keeping the public-sector pay cap until 2020.

However, later in the day, May’s official spokesperson confirmed her actual position, insisting that the:

"policy has not changed"

As noted by Corbyn’s former spokesperson Matt Zarb-Cousin, the Tories had boxed themselves into a typically stupid corner.

"It is becomingly increasingly obvious that May is literally leading a coalition of chaos.

Yet, despite all of this, the right-wing press is still attempting to portray the Tory-DUP austerity-vote as a victory for May and a disaster for Corbyn."
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