
I've read somewhere recently "Dr. Mercola" to cut out breakfast, I've done that for about a month now but the weight is still the same, next I've got to get out on my push bike.

From what i've been told, cutting out breakfast is about the worst thing you can do. A typical person might eat dinner at 7pm and get up the next day 7am - that's 12hours with no food. Your body reacts to that by slowing your metabolism, a natural reaction to effectively being starved, a survival instinct. Breakfast is exactly that - 'breaking the over night fast You need breakfast to kick start your metabolism again and should eat within an hour of waking up. Your metabolism also slows during the day, so avoid eating past 8pm at night.

I've lost over 2stone, mainly be exercising when previously I led a pretty inactive life. But before that, I lost 1/2 stone by doing the above and just cutting out one thing from each day that I hardly noticed - I stopped having a choclate bar with my lunch at work. I believe making a small change to what you eat is a lot easier to do, and therefore much more likely to be acheivable long-term, then starting a 'diet' and changing your whole eating habits. I still eat chocolate and cakes if I feel like doing, and don't worry about what I eat, but I am nearly 3-stone lighter than I was 2 years ago. :D

Good luck with the cycling - an excellent way to exercise!
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I'm 12.5 stone and a fag's width under 6'.

I don't eat (first thing) brekky. I break my fast at 10.00 am on work days.

On a Friday i will finish my tea at say 6:30 pm and then the next time I eat can be around 12:50 pm on Saturday after playing golf. I'm absolutely ravenous though!

I just don't eat between meals. Oh, and i work like a mule.

You can not defy the laws of physics. If you regularly eat more than you use then you will get fat.
Aye noseall, you may wish to think again, JBR has a point, google offers the following as definitions

1. The sterile hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse, characterized by long ears and a short mane.
2. A sterile hybrid, as between a canary and other birds or between certain plants.
3. Informal A stubborn person.
4. A spinning machine that makes thread or yarn from fibers. Also called spinning mule.
5. Slang A person who serves as a courier of illegal drugs.

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ditto the respect dude comment.

Wish I could lose a few stone like that.
Congratulations :D

A visit to the Doc's recently, I jumped on the scales :cry: 140Kg. 24Stn that was after about 4months truck driving, before which I was circa 125Kg.

I've read somewhere recently "Dr. Mercola" to cut out breakfast, I've done that for about a month now but the weight is still the same, next I've got to get out on my push bike.

never ever miss breakfast..
always eat something within half an hour of getting up, just choose sensibly..
if you read a cerial packet the nutritional value is usually for about 30g of cerial with milk.. which is not as much as you think it is..

it really is just about sensible healthy choices.. 2 rashers of bacon, not 3.. use spray oil or grill stuff, trim the fat off your meat or buy it extra lean.. take the skin off your chicken.. that sort of thing..
Congratulations :D

A visit to the Doc's recently, I jumped on the scales :cry: 140Kg. 24Stn that was after about 4months truck driving, before which I was circa 125Kg.

I've read somewhere recently "Dr. Mercola" to cut out breakfast, I've done that for about a month now but the weight is still the same, next I've got to get out on my push bike.

never ever miss breakfast..
always eat something within half an hour of getting up, just choose sensibly..
if you read a cerial packet the nutritional value is usually for about 30g of cerial with milk.. which is not as much as you think it is..

it really is just about sensible healthy choices.. 2 rashers of bacon, not 3.. use spray oil or grill stuff, trim the fat off your meat or buy it extra lean.. take the skin off your chicken.. that sort of thing..

Thanks, but being a Veggie I'll give that a miss :LOL:

I used to start my day with a Daddy Bear portion of porridge :confused: