colleagues that stink

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at that company, anyone with more than 5 years service (contracts were introduced then for new starts) gets 6 months full and 6 months half pay in any 12 month rolling period, so you could tell when some of them would be off and when they would be coming back again, and after they had met the criteria time wise for the next illness when they would go off again, it made everyone else bitter towards the people who did this.
When I was a pre school leader ,one of the assistants used to smell terrible,so I had a quiet word with the other 2 assistants and told them not to be offended in the afternoon when i gave them a "gift"

I went out and bought 3 tins of dove deodrants and told them I got them all free and didn't use that type,so gave them all one each

Next morning they all smelt the same ,nice .(the non smelly ones all knew why I did it lol)
I had a new lad working with me who started to smell like he'd s#it his pants,ive got sinus problems & i could still smell him when he got in the van on a morning.I started to notice that he would wear the same workpants everyday & even at the start of the next week without them being washed!!! I was left with the dilema of what,if anything,do i say to him.This was made a lot easier for me one day when we had a little disagreement & i just blurted out to him that he smelled of dirty nappies!!! At first he thought i was joking but then realised i wasn't when i told him i would kick him out of the van if i could smell him.
Not the most pc way to tell someone BUT IT WORKED!
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New bloke started at my firm - extremely bad bo - 6 months later he died from cancer.