Ok so I need some advice here.
I have a garden that is almost 2m above the courtyard level of the house and we are thinking of creating three tiers for the garden. Back tier, middle tier and the courtyard from my house. Each tier would be supported by retaining walls and steps to the different levels. Back Tier and Courtyard would be paved while the Middle tier would have grass.
Each retaining wall will be 5 m in length, 1m in height, and the middle tier will be boxed in by retaining walls on the sides (effectively flower beds) of the garden given its a victorian Terrace.
I could use bricks (double skinned) but builder suggested concrete blocks are easier to install and more economical to use (Walls would be rendered and coping applied). Is this true ? and if so what concrete blocks (Size, density and type) to use and any other advice required such as foundation depth/width and block construction?
any advice here would be great
I have a garden that is almost 2m above the courtyard level of the house and we are thinking of creating three tiers for the garden. Back tier, middle tier and the courtyard from my house. Each tier would be supported by retaining walls and steps to the different levels. Back Tier and Courtyard would be paved while the Middle tier would have grass.
Each retaining wall will be 5 m in length, 1m in height, and the middle tier will be boxed in by retaining walls on the sides (effectively flower beds) of the garden given its a victorian Terrace.
I could use bricks (double skinned) but builder suggested concrete blocks are easier to install and more economical to use (Walls would be rendered and coping applied). Is this true ? and if so what concrete blocks (Size, density and type) to use and any other advice required such as foundation depth/width and block construction?
any advice here would be great