Cost of fuel

  • Thread starter david and julie
  • Start date
Went in Tesco yesterday unleaded was down to 79.9 plus they knock off 5p per litre if you spend £50 in store. Good saving for anyone doing a weekly shop.
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I think it is disgraceful. The price of petrol is heading upwards towards that of bottled water. ;)

Perhaps some sort of bottled water tax escalator is in order to keep the system in balance?
Go to Crete for your bottled water - it is €2.20 there for 12 litres. That's 13p litre!

Might be offset by travel costs, though....
securespark said:
Go to Crete for your bottled water - it is €2.20 there for 12 litres. That's 13p litre
I've been to Crete. Thier tapwater is just fine. (it gets fed from the mountain snow). Why pay for bottled stuff?
And another thing. Low Calorie Tonic Water. What's that all about then. Have you seen how many callories are in the High Fat variety.

Getting a bit closer to the original thread. Did you see this
Darwin Award
. Shame it's now been debunked.
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Engineers sometimes make things with an accuracy of 1/10000th of an inch.

Engineers outside the USA would now be making things with an accuracy of 1/393.7007874015748031496062992126 of a millimetre. ;)

They love Imperial measurements, those crazy septics.
2 micron ..... 18 mnths ago !!
But then, that was real engineering .... ;)

Oh yes, working in Imperial and metric former for US Marine corp latter for Euro's .... Same product. ;)

Tex I had no truck with the Cretan water. Bought bottled mainly for the kids.
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