Could these be linked?

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"Boris Johnson is willing to provide Australia tariff-free access to UK food markets despite fears it could 'decimate' the rural economy.
Farmers launched a furious backlash yesterday against the proposal to grant Australian produce privileged access, fearing it would mean British farmers with high welfare standards will struggle to compete.
The plan to give Australian food exporters the same terms as the European Union could potentially 'wipe out' agriculture if the terms are replicated in other agreements, the PM has been warned."


"Older farmers will be paid to retire under a UK government scheme to bring new blood into the trade.
The average farmer could receive a lump sum payment of £50,000 - capped at £100,000 for farmers with most land."

Allow the Aussies in and it's only a matter of time before the US with it's even lower food standards gets a deal...

So much for 'taking back control, this will blow away any limited 'food security' the UK has!
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But just as plausible is that the new blood might be more innovative. How that could or will affect the deal, or farming in the future, I don't know, but I'm open to discussion on that.
I'm not passing a judgement on the trade deal, nor the government, nor the individual ministers. Just looking at the other possibilities.

Even more great Brexit news.

Musicians and music businesses warn of ‘time up’ for UK grassroots acts, and European orchestras being resistant to booking UK artists because of ‘paperwork and expense’.

On Sunday, Sir Simon Rattle warned the London Symphony Orchestra will “fail” if ministers do not help ease post-Brexit touring rules in Europe.

Barriers to music tours include “even very basic things”, the conductor says.

Once we get ove this Pandemic its SS Brexit Full steam ahead.
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