Average proposed for us 4.8% so I expect around 5.4%
Who is kidding who on the inflation front ? Told you the bu##ers are printing unearned dosh .. aint over yet !!
Consumer Prices Index (CPI) Jan 2005 increase on year 1.6%
Retail Price Index (RPI)................................................3.2%
Retail Price IndexX (RPIX)............................................2.1%
RPI The September RPI is also used in the formula governing the basic state pension increase payable in the following April, capped, wouldn't you just know ! at 2.5% So that's a cut for pensioners then !
RPIX Is RPI eXcluding mortgage Interest. Makes RPI look better for Govn.
CPI is the EuroDisney model, which, you've guessed it !! does not even include local taxes like CT !! ..Apparently EuroMicky is looking at adding in the missing parts, don't hold breath ... So I wonder what the next UK index will be ? 'BII' Blair Incredulity Index, perhaps ?
Anything that shows something different to what we feel in our pockets I'll bet ..... Guess what ? We get what we damn well deserve.

Who is kidding who on the inflation front ? Told you the bu##ers are printing unearned dosh .. aint over yet !!
Consumer Prices Index (CPI) Jan 2005 increase on year 1.6%
Retail Price Index (RPI)................................................3.2%
Retail Price IndexX (RPIX)............................................2.1%
RPI The September RPI is also used in the formula governing the basic state pension increase payable in the following April, capped, wouldn't you just know ! at 2.5% So that's a cut for pensioners then !
RPIX Is RPI eXcluding mortgage Interest. Makes RPI look better for Govn.
CPI is the EuroDisney model, which, you've guessed it !! does not even include local taxes like CT !! ..Apparently EuroMicky is looking at adding in the missing parts, don't hold breath ... So I wonder what the next UK index will be ? 'BII' Blair Incredulity Index, perhaps ?
Anything that shows something different to what we feel in our pockets I'll bet ..... Guess what ? We get what we damn well deserve.