
2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
It is fair to say that it is cold outside at the moment and my hands are taking a battering.

They are looking like old boot leather so, as a result i need to moisturise.

The problem i have is that i have suffered a few nicks to my hands so i also need to apply a few plasters (band-aid, sticking plaster) to the injuries.

So, do i moisturise first then apply the plaster, or fit the plaster then moisturise.....?

I'm bothered about adhesion.
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ive got the same problem with cuts and a bit of dry/dead skin and what i have is from the wife whose a nurse.its micropore tape and i put it on each morning on the worst bits, it helps to protect while natural repairs take place.
I would have thought that you should be asking this question on another site or calling NHS direct.
However, my feeling is don't cry they'll be all right. :)
From experience of have dermatitis in my hands for 20+ years and open wounds when it got bad is to use Neutogenar. The moisturisers are useless for hard working hands.
Forget about the nicks, they're nothing, they'll heal soon enough.
Now, get back to work and pay your taxes :)
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Luckily for us we are supplied with these sort of gloves or similiar http://www.amazon.co.uk/MARIGOLD-PX...AFH0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1291927436&sr=1-1
They're very good against nicks and cuts, when we first had them a site agent and myself attempted to slash a pair open with a stanley knife and it took many slashes before any real damage was caused and this was more teating then cutting. They will still allow sharp needle like accidents as the object will pass between the fibres and they do allow in water but I do have less niks and cuts when using.
To answer noseall's original question I'd always put the plaster on first as it won't stick to a skin covered in moisturiser. That said I find plasters nowadays don't stick to much at all really, when I have had a cut I've ended up holding the plaster on with insulation or masking tape.
I've a friend who is a first aider and he doesn't have plasters in his kit as "current" thinking is not to use them as about one in a million people have a reaction to them and bandages are the way to go. I have told him that "current" is basically tosh and pointed out a small pile of first aid boxes I have at home that all still contain unused bandages, does anyone actually use triangular bandages other than as a cleaning rag?
It is fair to say that it is cold outside at the moment and my hands are taking a battering.

They are looking like old boot leather so, as a result i need to moisturise.

The problem i have is that i have suffered a few nicks to my hands so i also need to apply a few plasters (band-aid, sticking plaster) to the injuries.

So, do i moisturise first then apply the plaster, or fit the plaster then moisturise.....?

I'm bothered about adhesion.

ha ha
As long as you remove all the old loose and flaking "skin" from the hands first, then give them both a coat of moisturiser, just to seal them in.

Let the moisturiser dry completely, then give them another coat, and apply the plasters while moisturiser is still wet/tacky. :LOL: ;)
You want to use a moisturizing cream that contains Vitamin E as this has good healing propertys and also I would recommend a Shea butter product.
Shea Butter hand cream, does not leave the hands oily, so adhesion of plasters should not be a problem.
Drilled into my palm the other day, plasters don't stay stuck onto a palm, getting through loads, everytime I wash my hands I need a new one.
But I wear gloves every opportunity I get. Specially outside in this weather!
that's what superglue was made for.. and why it's so good at stucking finger together..
the medical version ( sterile etc ) is called "dermabond" I believe, but it's essentially the same stuff with maybe a little less stingy solvent used in it..

you could always try that "liquid plaster" stuff..
I have used superglue too, sliced through the ball of my foot on some decking once, a smear of superglue and it held it together, also cuts on hands are good. You are not supposed to use the activator with it though.
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