Dipping toe into painting

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So you admit to making accusations when you don't even know who you're making them against?
I admit saying body shops are buying VOC paints. It's not clear who else would buy them since there are very few DIYers.
I admit saying body shops are buying VOC paints. It's not clear who else would buy them since there are very few DIYers.
You also said you are painting panels and got that wrong too.

Name 1 bodyshop that is buying and using voc paints illegaly. Go on, do it.
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Nutjob hasn’t bought any spraying gear.
You don't always need spraying. I will brush on touch ups, and 2k clear coat for small jobs.

The test pot is in. £15 for this little. OK if used for touch ups. I will do that on all parts of the car and see how close it blends.

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