Downpipe and water butt

14 Jul 2023
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United Kingdom
We've just bought a victorian terrace. The previous owner left a water butt but, rather than using a diverter, they re-routed the downpipe from the gutter straight into the water butt. The section of downpipe below is there and uncapped, and the water butt overflow points down into it (see image attached). The floorboard inside are sunk in this area and our surveyor suspected damp due to the water butt overflowing.

I planned to install a diverter and make good the downpipe, but I've realised thay the upper and lower sections of downpipe are offset by about 30mm (horizontal). The vertical gap between the two sections of vertical downpipe is 250mm. Any ideas on how to line them up without redoing all the downpipe brackets up the rear wall to change the angle?


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I think you'll have to add extra pipe and connectors to join them up. This will likely involves redoing the wall brackets as you say.
Ah that's a good idea! It's only 30mm so should be. I'll investigate tomorrow, thanks!
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I'd make sure the overflow is not too small bore wise.

In winter (or current summer :LOL:) a 220L water butt will fill up quickly, perhaps 40mm overflow would be good idea to go back to your drain.
A belated update to help anyone in future - really no problem in the main downpipe going straight into the water butt provided the overflow can cope as pointed out by @Mr Chibs . Actually has the advantage of sediment etc from the gutters getting filtered out in there rather than going straight down the drain! I just fitted a 40mm overflow to replace the 22mm that was there which has been enough to ensure the level never reaches the top even in heavy rain; problem solved!

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