Drag & Drop windows 8

30 Jun 2009
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United Kingdom
I am using a laptop on windows 8 (without mouse) Cannot get the drag/drop function to work. Googled problem online, seems that something needs to be disabled in the registry but for the life in me cannot find it, have gone to systems via control panel but then I am at a loss.
Help would be appreciated to get drag/drop function working.
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Seems to be a common problem. Try this solution:

1. Click on the file with the left mouse button, keep the left mouse button held down.
2. Hit the escape key with the left mouse button still held down.
3. Drag and drop should now work

Let me know how this goes for you.
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In which case double tap but hold on the second tap.
Unfortunately that just opens the app on first tap.

It sounds like you have "Single Click to open an item (point to select)" turned on. To switch back to Double click:
1. Press Windows key + X on the keyboard at once.
2. Select Control Panel. Then, select Folder Options.
3. Under General Tab, in Click items as follows, select the Double Click to open an Item option.
4. Click on OK to save the setting

If you already had Double click to open an item selected then it may be a hardware fault with your touchpad. Try with another pointing device to confirm.
Okay followed the above steps found folder option in different location, gen tab setting were already set as double click to open.
But tried again with the double click, it seems if you are canny on the second click the tile sometime reduces a little, and can be held and you can by trial/error flick the tile about, not the best drop/drag I have ever experienced but managed to tidy the start up window to my desired config.
Thanks for staying with me on this much appreciated.
Learn something new every time I have play around.