
What do you think of the EDL are they Fascists or are their fears about muslims justified.
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It seems that they were 14 arrest 5 from the EDL which 3 have been charged.
So who could the other 9 be?
Lets not think groups like the UAF are nice people.
A protest in Bradford at weekend involving EDL.
There is a marching ban in Bradford, but they are allowed static protests, so one was organized.
Unite Against Fascism, don't like this going on without their interference, so interference was had and things were said and things were thrown.
Police involved
14 arrest later, 3 EDL members charged!
Hitler still dead, clerics still preaching hatred!
cheers PB i know thanks dont count in here but ;)
I would link to media reports, but they seem to be very bias in the reports and knowing what I know about the left wing fanatics(which are mostly scrounging dolites or students) and are as vial and as violent as any neo-nazi I have had the pleasure to be in the company of, the events of the day won't be strictly one sided.
The EDL ARE a bunch of racist facissts,moronic thugs and right wing extremists. If you watch any video of their demo's on you tube, you will see exactly what these people are about. Some of the racist chanting, violence and bigotry is beyond belief. Its sad to think that we have some people in this country still attracted towards this type of group.

Their claims about being opposed to Muslim "extremism" is nonsense and a quick read on their forums shows them for the racists they really are. They are hostile towards all Muslims and people from minority communities. They have 1 token Sikh member who has been condemened by Sikh leaders throughout the UK for being a member of the EDL.

They seem to attract young, violent, unemployed, often uneducated types who have nothing better to do then march through towns and citities with large minority communites with no other intention then to hurl abuse, incite and provoke a reaction from the locals. and I will admit it is VERY provocative to have these people marching through your local street hurling abuse at you for no other reason then to insult you over your beleifs, your religion/skin colour and try and get you to have a scrap! Why the government allow this is beyond me.
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