electric water heaters

10 Jan 2010
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United Kingdom
hi everyone i got a relpy that helped me but i have to ask more about the electric water heater. i need to move the hug brown one to the other side of room and i thought that if i moved it and did an upgrade then tankless would be the best but i need to have hot water i have two teen boys that take 20 to 30 min showers and then i have my chores laundry and dishes. please can anyone give me a clue to the best electric water tankless or not that is great. i don't have the option to add gas or furnace. thank you
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While I don't know american wiring practices I would strongly suspect that changing from a tank based to a tankless water heater would require a significant upgrade to the electrical wiring supplying it. Tankless heaters need to have a much much higher power rating to acheive usefull flow rates.

I'd suggest you find a forum with more americans on it, while there are a couple of people here with american experiance this is primerally a UK forum.
best thing to do is up grade to quick recovery elements and larger tank, the tankless water heater heater isnt all its talked up to be
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