Enjoy your last day brexiteers.

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15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
You best celebrate as much as can today........

Because tomorrow 2nd March is the start of brexit reality.

2nd March to 31 Dec 2020 is going to be a very upsetting time for brexiteers.
There is going to be a lot of anger as their dreams crumble.

Dont forget you voted to "get back control"
Own it and enjoy it
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One good thing though. If it does all go down the tubes at least us "Brexiteers" will have the complete satisfaction of having taking you bunch of nay saying clowns down the tubes with us.
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Poor deluded soul.
Thinking that EU is a good thing run by people whose only mission is to make brits life better...
You best celebrate as much as can today........

Because tomorrow 2nd March is the start of brexit reality.

2nd March to 31 Dec 2020 is going to be a very upsetting time for brexiteers.
There is going to be a lot of anger as their dreams crumble.

Dont forget you voted to "get back control"
Own it and enjoy it
What a fekin bunch of twisty idiots remoaners are..Manage to suck all hope joy optimism happiness out of every damn thing
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