Eye For An Eye

No because they get stoned to death, have hands chopped off.

But F**k em cos they want our stuff as well.
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I dont think anyone here can boast to be in any way educated in Iranian law.
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This is one of those subjects that can never be answered, until we all live in harmony, and ride round on our fluffy clouds, without any worries in the world.

We in the West see it as barbaric, those in the East see it as the norm, visa versa might be the case, if some drunk kills all your family in a car crash, and gets 12 months in jail. Justice isn't seen to have been done, and the family have no closure. But revenge? Eye for an eye, literally in this case - how far do you go? for example if someone died, who kills the killer? Then who kills the killers killer? ad infinitum.

It's built into the human pshyche to want to exact revenge when wronged, it's a natural reaction, going back to the dark ages, when this was the crime/punishment system..I hope things have moved on since then.
So you can't form a law on that premise !

Well the Iranians do and a host of other countries and quite frankly I'm glad they have that freedom to do so.

Is it any wonder countries like these hate the west when they are being constantly preached too.
As if "our way" is somehow better.

but are their citizens afforded the same rights as ours? ?
Of course not !!! They didn't sign up to the European Courts of Human Rights and the Human Rights Act the way that the UK did (so totally our courts are now frightened of upsetting Europe).
Of course , Human Rights are important, but only if applied in total fairness. The way I see it, HR legislation isn't applied fairly at all. Victims have a right to the same rights perpetrators and criminals now use, but victims rights are very rarely acknowledged in court. Our courts fail to evict murdering asylum seekers because of their right to a family life, whilst totally ignoring the right of a family or murder victim to life itself.
As I've said before on here, with human rights come human responsibilities. Failure to acknowledge and abide by these responsibilities should automatically mean, you forgo your human rights. Murderers get life sentences (usually ten years) then bleat to the courts about their right to a family life, freedom etc etc.
"Ohh yer honour, If it pleases the court, I don't want to spend ten years in prison, I want let out now."
I for one am sick of hearing them go on and on endlessly about their rights. FFS they gave up their rights when they plunged a knife, pulled a trigger, or hit someone with a baseball bat, whatever. Christ when in prison, if they don't want to do something, they carp on about their right to say no. They even want compensation for perceived injustices whilst in prison.
Grrrrrrrrr Bring back hanging.
Just an update on this story.

Guilty man let off from iranian court and will suffer NOOOO such punishment. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

To be honest I don't give a monkeys about these people.
But I was legitimately, and fairly arguing the principle.

I knew this would happen.................Turns out their justice system is as f*cked as ours. :rolleyes:
I dont think anyone here can boast to be in any way educated in Iranian law.

Has anyone boasted then...?????..

Every one is happy to comment on Iranian law but lets be honest here , your only source of research is a f'ing british newspaper, not the most reliable source of information.

Perhaps this woman wanted to go to court and try to have this man blinded by acid but failed because there is no such law?
Of course our news papers need to sell you the story so they will make you believe what you want to believe.
Our media is not a source of truth , its a source for stories., one sided truths , bias views and propaganda.
So if half a dozen papers and countless news reels around the world run the same story its obviously lies eh...
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