Forum Oddity

11 Jan 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
No, not me!

I'm talking about when you post in a thread and instead of being posted pretty much straight away, you get a little "timer".

I've had this a few times now.
The first time, I waited and nothing else happened so I left the forum.

Later when I came back to repost, I found that it had actually been posted.

Now I have realised that it only does this when the page is full and what you are trying to post is going to become the start of a new page.

Has anybody else found this?
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Now I have realised that it only does this when the page is full and what you are trying to post is going to become the start of a new page.

Has anybody else found this?

Yes, I usually hit the 'refresh' button and the post appears, as you say on a new page.
I see it sometimes, as when I do see it it can sometimes take many seconds to end - I always assumed it was the server or the server's internet connection very busy.
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I do a quick copy of my response (the one that appears not to have been posted).
Then with that on the clipboard, I'll refresh the page and check if another page has been added to the thread, and if my response has been posted.
If my response has been lost 'in the post', I'll still have a full copy of my post in the clipboard, and can easily paste and repost the 'lost' initial post.
A bit of a faffe, but saves losing that post.
I have edited my post, so that if Harry does appear, he won't get confused...............(y)
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