French Colonial Empire.Good or Bad?

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No strawman arguments...The only point I made is British/French Empire...both created for same purposes...Both good and bad...Simple...You the duckin & divin expert avoiding that statement
In case you missed it the first time.
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How you think it is
Clearly, you refuse to accept the obvious.
Empires are created for very simple reasons, the pursuit of wealth, power, and influence.
That is reality. Yet because I posit that idea, you suggest that I am wrong.

Well, then please tell the forum how and why I am wrong.
Incorrect..You try to make out British Empire was ALL wrong....
In case you missed it the first time:
I have no intention of defending, excusing nor denying the atrocities committed by the creation of any empire.
Page 2 of this thread, posted yesterday morning.
Now please do me the courtesy of quoting your claim that you recognise that all empires are intrinsically bad.
The post is full of that already.
You're just resorting to ludicrous and dishonest retorts because you cannot comply with such simple requests as to show where you said what you claim to have said.
Grow up, and take responsibility for your disingenuous behaviour.
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