Getting a Loan

19 Feb 2013
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Looking to get a loan. I have a fair profile with a credit score of 722. However no one seems to want to lend to me!

Any suggestions of lenders?
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Just Google subprime loan.

Being in debt in the current economic situation is quite possibly not going to be one of your best decisions.
I work in management in retail for one of the top 3 supermarkets i think my job is safe
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will they say why not, the are supposed to give you a "high level reason"
interesting as well company that rejected me i also have a credit card with?
Do you have any equity in the house?
Home improvement loans tend to be quite large and therefore secured via a charge on your property. Equity is the difference between what you owe on the mortgage and what you would get if the house was sold. If you have no equity, a second charge is (mortgage is the first charge) pointless since they wouldn't get their money back if you defaulted.
Also beware making too many applications as this alone can affect your credit score. Lots of refusals will deter lenders from making you any offer.
Banks just ain't lending at the moment (although the government loaned them our money , on condition they lent more money. ) Seems they're hanging on to it to pay the bankers bonuses again this year. ;) ;)
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