Ghosts and UFOs


very good post

btw some Nasa guys are building a prototype Hypedrive /anti gravity propulisi ... rocket thing travel may become a reality in our life time .....anyone fancy a trip on the Enterprise when its done ,lol
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Moz, what NASA are playing with are colloquelly called electric engines. They are fact Ion drives. Basically they are miniature partical accelerators.

They use a power source to drive a set of coils with a pulsed magnetic field, if you place this around a vaccated tube, then "drop" into it something that reacts with a megnetic field, it will be accelerated in the direction that the mag field pulses in, and using standar physics, where every action results in an equal but opposite reaction, when this mass leaves the tube, it provides propulsion.

This is a rather simplified description of the mechanics of the things..but in a few short years many probes will likely be Ion powered.
I know that there is intelligent life out there and that they are watching us. The fact that they have not made contact yet is due to the fact that they have been observing life on this forum and that they are not sure whether we would welcome them with open arms or shoot them/string them up/send them back and close the borders, because they do not look/talk/act like us. :D

If you ask Bob Dole he can probably tell you which planet they are on.
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There is a flaw in Big_Spark's argument that evolution progresses and the development of intellegence is just a matter of time given favourable conditions.

The development of single celled organisms such as bacteria does proceed as in his argument, but at this point evolution selects for small cells with limited DNA. The transition to large and multiple cells (the eukaryotes) is almost impossible. Bacteria had been around for 2000 m years before eukaryotes developed once, in peculiar circumstances. In the next 2000 m years, they didn't develop a second time. Most developments evolve several times - flight for example.

We don't know if 2000 m years is an unusually short time, but it may well be that the evolution of eukaryotes hardly ever occurs in the lifetime of a planet. That would mean intellegent life is much rarer than Big_Spark suggests.
Stoday, If I said the sky was blue you wouldargue against it...

So fusk off

You are a ****, a simpleton, and you know nothing about this subject....Yes I'm a little drunk, but you do not understand that these are not MY statements per se as you so whimsicly suggest, they are based on YEARS of research by people that proove your a fool.

You post occasionally, and you ALWAYS attack someone...why don't you play with the traffic on your local motorway... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Big_Spark said:
You post occasionally, and you ALWAYS attack someone...

I don't "attack" anyone. but if someone posts misleading drivel, I'll pick it up and say so.

You post some outrageous propositions. Fine. Increases interest. But don't expect them to hold without criticsm.

As for saying "it's not what I'm saying so don't criticise me" - I hold you responsible for advocating that view because you posted it.

Big_Spark said:
you do not understand ... these are based on YEARS of research by people that proove your a fool.

My response was from YEARS of research including some published this year. Yours is somewhat out-of-date.
joe-90 said:
So why is it that piccies of ghosts and UFOs have gone down in number? I guess the truth must have been faults in the film emulsion all along eh?
Indeed a very good point - the only other logical conclusion I can think of is that the aliens have realised that they're more likely to get photographed these days and have backed off.
Stoday, having an advert for sex published in the local rag is not quite the same thing :LOL: :LOL:

The development of single celled organisms such as bacteria does proceed as in his argument, but at this point evolution selects for small cells with limited DNA. The transition to large and multiple cells (the eukaryotes) is almost impossible. Bacteria had been around for 2000 m years before eukaryotes developed once, in peculiar circumstances. In the next 2000 m years, they didn't develop a second time. Most developments evolve several times - flight for example.

We don't know if 2000 m years is an unusually short time, but it may well be that the evolution of eukaryotes hardly ever occurs in the lifetime of a planet. That would mean intellegent life is much rarer than Big_Spark suggests.

Our knowledge of the development of multicellular life is patchy at best and crap in truth, but as many people seem to love this idea of Earth nbeing unique they try to throw up barriers to it's development.

Personally I feel that life is a simple chemical byproduct of the formation of a planet so long as the environment conditions are right for that reaction to proceed. We have seen on numerous occasions that once taken hold, life is exceptionally hardy and resistant, despite what we sometimes think.

We have no knowledge of whether multicellular life developed once or numerous times, in it's simplest form there are no fossils to support the yay or nay camps. Octopus are a good example of a possible 2nd stage of development, unlike other forms of life, they do not have haemoglobin in the their blood, they use a copper based chemical, which is whyt they have blue blood..although unlikely, it is possible that Octopii are the last in a line of anmals that may have developed ffrom a seperate branch of early life that evolved seperatly.

However, as I said in my post, much of what we can confer about what may or may not be happening elsewhere is pure speculation as we only have Earth as a our example..and an example of one is no proof either way..
WoodYouLike said:
markie said:
are we the only planet with intelligent life on it,
We haven't found real proof of it, but knowing there are so many planets out there it's bound to happen (remember what Dr Who said on the X-mas special: you're getting noticed now ;)
Let me just clear things up here, the daleks are ally clad plywood and hollow inside(i've been inside one) don't want anyone thinking they are real. ;) :LOL:
If you see ghosts and you're young, keep your trap shut.

Little Daniel (6) didn't, so social workers locked him up in an institution for ten years.

Daniel told his teacher that he was dreaming about ghosts — apparently a mummy and daddy ghost and a baby ghost that died. The teacher was concerned enough to alert social services.

Unfortunately for residents of the Langley council estate in Rochdale, this coincided with a particular climate in Britain in the late 1980s and early 1990s in which social workers were being trained to spot “satanic indicators” — signs that a child was suffering ritual abuse — after a spate of alleged cases in America. Social workers interpreted Daniel’s “ghosts” as being his abusers.

They read his fantasies of being locked in a cage as reality — evidence of satanic abuse — and pursued the notion with a vigour that Professor Elizabeth Newson, an expert witness in the case, describes as unhealthy single-mindedness.

Read about it here:,,7-1977323,00.html
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