Golden ticket ?

2 Dec 2005
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Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
This B brother golden ticket thing, if you found one in a kit-cat would you give it away, or try to get into the house, ?
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didnt a few appear on Ebay ,
thing is ITS NOT A GOLDEN TICKET ,Willly Wonka Style As Advertised ...

the studio will narrow it down an then the housemates pick dont they , ...

Ive already sent letters too ASA, CH4 about the advertising..

old man in BB pool , NEVER HAPPEN ..
an the Golden Ticket , its like ring in on them £1 a try CONS ...

I know Im just jealous ...right....... ..... I have turned into Victor ;) ;)
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FFS ... you are a facking WOMEN

I wanted that turtle faced old women screeching slut out , nikki.. wonki t*ts ,have you seen the Sport .. lol
And the golden housemate is someone who auditioned anyway, several of the housemates knew her already. Stitch up!!
The best thing about Big brother is, it's not compulsory viewing. I wached them going in and that was it for me.

Is it just me, or is that bird with the big kn0ckers UGLY? She's repulsive. People actually enjoy looking at THAT? And why brag about having spent so much on plastic surgery? She almost certainly looked better before. Like Wacko Jacko. I hope she sacked her surgeon. FFS. :evil:

I still can't belive how Kryten got into the bb House just by calling himself Richard?
Al-Glasgow said:
Sell it for a Grand....

you are nuts, each housemate will receive around 1/4 million just in photos minimum. The winner will more than likely earn a million.
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