Guilty without trial


9 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
The other day I registered on another forum that I thought looked interesting. Obviously, I shouldn't name names. Don't worry; I'm not thinking of leaving this one.

Let me re-phrase that: sorry to upset you, but I'm not thinking of leaving this one!

It became clear after a couple of days that something was strange. Someone changed my avatar (the same one I use here) and I read some strange comments that I didn't quite understand. Eventually (call me thick if you must), I realised that they all thought I was someone who had previously been banned, for whatever reason I know not. It appears that this person went under the name of Jerry BeaR (if I recall) and it was obvious to them that JBR was a contraction of that name!

So why didn't they ban me? Changing my avatar was, I thought, rather petty and condemning me without any evidence I found quite annoying.

Anyway, I have decided to leave. Their loss, not mine!
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Yes very strange. you would think that there would be something in place that would tell you your avatar has already been used and you need to choose a new one. As you say though, it's their loss Jerry. :D
Yes very strange. you would think that there would be something in place that would tell you your avatar has already been used and you need to choose a new one. As you say though, it's their loss Jerry. :D
No. It appears that they changed my avatar to one that was used by the banned member. As I said, a petty response.
As far as I know, mine is unique!
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Yep, I'm sure there is no one else anywhere on the t'internet that uses an avatar of a fat drunken slob falling out of his chair. :LOL:
Life is too short to worry about trivialities of that nature. Leaving was the right course of action.
Yep, I'm sure there is no one else anywhere on the t'internet that uses an avatar of a fat drunken slob falling out of his chair. :LOL:
But I am a fat drunken slob and I often fall out of my chair. :ROFLMAO:
Quite so. Those people obviously have a bee in their bonnet about someone and, worse, are willing to jump to conclusions. You're right. I think I would soon have tired of them had I stayed.
How about a part time job to supplement your pension JBR.
I've got one! My wife's boss asked me, a few weeks ago, if I'd be interested in doing some research on radiation dose, so I'm now an honorary research fellow! As the title suggests, of course, I'm not getting paid but I don't mind; it's an interesting project.
How about a part time job to supplement your pension JBR.
I've got one! My wife's boss asked me, a few weeks ago, if I'd be interested in doing some research on radiation dose, so I'm now an honorary research fellow! As the title suggests, of course, I'm not getting paid but I don't mind; it's an interesting project.
Radiation dose? Do you get an extra head or something?
How about a part time job to supplement your pension JBR.
I've got one! My wife's boss asked me, a few weeks ago, if I'd be interested in doing some research on radiation dose, so I'm now an honorary research fellow! As the title suggests, of course, I'm not getting paid but I don't mind; it's an interesting project.

Sticking your head in the microwave doesn't sound very scientific to me.
How about a part time job to supplement your pension JBR.
I've got one! My wife's boss asked me, a few weeks ago, if I'd be interested in doing some research on radiation dose, so I'm now an honorary research fellow! As the title suggests, of course, I'm not getting paid but I don't mind; it's an interesting project.

Sticking your head in the microwave doesn't sound very scientific to me.
Microwaves are no good. Some idiot decided to have an interlock on the door so you can't switch it on with your head in. Mind you, that's given me a brainwave...
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