Hang on, that's against the law.

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2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom

I suppose some laws are more equal than others.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union lawmakers have cancelled their session at the parliament's headquarters in the French city of Strasbourg next week, despite a legal obligation to do so, because of the coronavirus, the assembly's president said on Tuesday.

EU law states that the parliament must hold a four-day session once a month in Strasbourg, a right defended by France, despite regular lobbying by lawmakers to change the rules and meet in Brussels, the assembly's second headquarters.

Authorities in Strasbourg had urged lawmakers to come. Next week's session has additional prestige as the president of the European Commission, the EU executive, will deliver an annual address to the parliament.

"The resurgence of the pandemic in many member states and the decisions taken by the French authorities to classify the entire Lower Rhine department as a red zone obliges us to reconsider the move to Strasbourg," European Parliament President David Sassoli said in a statement.
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Are you trying to claim that not doing something as a Covid precaution has some equivalence to breaking an international treaty.
It must get dull, surely, trawling the news for stories about French people breaking laws, just to share on DIY forums.
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It must get dull, surely, trawling the news for stories about French people breaking laws, just to share on DIY forums.

No more than trawling the news for stories about MPs doing anything, doing nothing, speaking, not speaking, being out and about, not being out and about, going on holiday, not going on holiday............................................. {insert activity / non activity of choice}, just to share on DIY forums.
Is someone seriously trying to compare a meeting postponed because of CV19 to Johnson's breaking of a treaty?
Boris breaking the law again?

You can always rely on Boris

Boris Johnson insists UK will leave EU on 31 October- BBC News

Is someone seriously trying to compare a meeting postponed because of CV19 to Johnson's breaking of a treaty?
No. Filly is attempting to justify the monumental fu ckup that is lying Boris and his dishonesty and damage to the UK. He's clutching, bless him.
Did you see in the news today?
A homeless guy was charged with stealing a loaf of bread from Tesco.
He pleaded guilty but his mitigating circumstances were that he only broke the law in a specific and limited way.
Ho could have stolen the loaf from any supermarket, but he specifically took it from Tesco because he preferred their bread.
He could have taken several loaves, but he limited himself to just the one, because he wasn't that hungry. :LOL:
Sometimes, laws need to be broken.;)

You are getting overexcited.

This "breaking the Withdrawal Agreement" story is a Cummings dead cat.

Johnson is boxed in a corner he has no options left so he's throwing out any old rubbish.

The only reason he is dragging out the negotiations is because he has 2 bad choices: cave in or no deal.

Johnson is furked either way.
Did you see in the news today?
A homeless guy was charged with stealing a loaf of bread from Tesco.
He pleaded guilty but his mitigating circumstances were that he only broke the law in a specific and limited way.
Ho could have stolen the loaf from any supermarket, but he specifically took it from Tesco because he preferred their bread.
He could have taken several loaves, but he limited himself to just the one, because he wasn't that hungry. :LOL:

Did you see in the news today?
A homeless guy was charged with stealing a loaf of bread from Tesco.
He pleaded guilty but his mitigating circumstances were that he only broke the law in a specific and limited way.
Ho could have stolen the loaf from any supermarket, but he specifically took it from Tesco because he preferred their bread.
He could have taken several loaves, but he limited himself to just the one, because he wasn't that hungry. :LOL:
Of course if he only stole a couple of slices then he could walk away 'Scot free'...

And on his way out also pick up a few cherries of his choice...

Because his defence is that borisconi and goebbels said this was ok behaviour :)
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