Has the centime finally dropped?

So you think that the best way to deal with our enemies such as IS is by working less with our friends and neighbours? Interesting

Now why on Earth would you think that leaving the EU means that we would work less with them on security matters?
Because EU countries have an intelligence network that the US has struggled to access. By leaving the EU, we risk less able to access said network.
The very opposite should be true,
What should happen and what does happen are not always the same thing. Especially in politics, and especially in today's political climate.
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>>>>>>wobs - Perhaps you can tell me how stemming the flow helps isis? I'm all ears?
Stemming the flow of information (intelligence) between Western countries would help IS. Do you really need me to point that out?
>>>>>>wobs - Perhaps you can tell me how stemming the flow helps isis? I'm all ears?
Stemming the flow of information (intelligence) between Western countries would help IS. Do you really need me to point that out?

I think that like a lot of remainers, you have taken 'project fear' as gospel. Not good to believe everything you are told, especially if the person telling you is a politician.
Because EU countries have an intelligence network that the US has struggled to access.

If I was The Yanks, I wouldn't take too much notice of EU intelligence. Judging by the daily atrocities, it ain't worth a light.
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If I was The Yanks, I wouldn't take too much notice of EU intelligence. Judging by the daily atrocities, it ain't worth a light.
Apparently the UK already shares intelligence with the USA (and Canada, Australia and a few others I can't remember when reading about it).

>>>>>>wobs - Perhaps you can tell me how stemming the flow helps isis? I'm all ears?
Stemming the flow of information (intelligence) between Western countries would help IS. Do you really need me to point that out?
I really do not think that people are stupid enough for this to happen.
Because EU countries have an intelligence network that the US has struggled to access. By leaving the EU, we risk less able to access said network.

Is that the same network which knew that church yesterday morning was on an isis hit list? And knew one of the perpetrators was a terrorist and had him on a tag, but let him do his own thing in the morning ?
Yeah, but that's the point isn't it?

You can't put down mentally disturbed people just in case - but then, of course, they do something and it's too late.
Is that the new pc description for Islamic terrorists, mentally disturbed people?
I don't mean to be PC; far from it - but I don't think you can argue with the description.
Do you think they are not mentally disturbed?

Seriously though, what are we to do.

One of the priest killers - from BBC report:
"The suspect named as Adel K, aged 18, is reported to have been in custody and then placed under a control order, and had tried to enter Syria twice."
Seems pretty clear cut.

You may say he should have been kept in custody for ever but can that be done?

German attacks:

"On 18 July, a teenage Afghan refugee hacked at passengers on a train in Wuerzburg with an axe and knife, wounding five. He was shot dead by police.

On 22 July, a German teenager of Iranian heritage shot dead nine people in Munich before shooting himself dead.

On 24 July, a 21-year-old Syrian refugee killed a woman with a machete and wounded five other people as he fled before being arrested.

Later that day, a 27-year-old Syrian whose refugee application had been refused blew himself up outside a bar in Ansbach. Fifteen people were wounded."

If you have a sensible way of preventing these, I am sure the authorities will be grateful.

I know you will say they shouldn't be here (in Europe) but a lot of attacks have been by people born here.

A bit late now but a sensible way of preventing most of these attacks would have been to not invade and bomb the sheite out of half the middle east.
But seeing as we did invade and are bombing the sheite out of them another sensible precaution would be to not let their refugees in by the millions.
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