Home insurance



I tell my other half not to leave the appliances running while no one is in the house.

More the reason if they coursed a fire, the dog and cat are fncked

But would home insurance cover the property if a fire was to happen while no one is home
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There will be a definition of vacant or empty in the insurance policy - it will not mean - out shopping, but normally defines it in term of consecutive days empty. Typically this is at least 20 and sometimes over 60.
Generally, if the property is vacated for 30 Days then you have to inform the insurer, one way around this is to have "someone" visit the property and have a key to enter and check the property can circumvent this clause.

As for leaving say a dishwasher / Washing machine running whilst you are not in the property, that has to be an accepted fact by the insurer, if not then you will have to turn off all things such as Electricity, Gas, Water, and anything else that anyone can dream up, obviously totally impracticable every time you leave the property??

Even Insurance Companies [at times] sometimes get dragged into the real world and abandon their extreme risk aversion protocols?

It's a tough switch to find... Mines a very bad design

It's easy with the right technique. Simply slap the palm of your right hand onto her left cheek. Make sure it's her facial cheek & not her buttock . . . That switch is something different entirely. :)
Im a kind of leave stuff on guy.....my wife however, checks, double checks and checks again.
Im a kind of leave stuff on guy.....my wife however, checks, double checks and checks again.

To turn that switch on, you need to take your stuff off. No wonder she keeps on checking.
I tell my other half not to leave the appliances running while no one is in the house.

More the reason if they coursed a fire, the dog and cat are fncked

But would home insurance cover the property if a fire was to happen while no one is home

Depends on Circumstances , but it is always better to be safe than sorry , one can always switch on appliances when they get home .
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