How Can I...?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
...stop email downloading from the ISP's server when setting up a new email client on a new laptop?

All the emails we want are on a flash drive. The system has been configured to keep copies on the server, but we have manually deleted some off there.

So, we don't want the emails off the server (an incomplete list), but do want the emails on the flash drive.

Trouble is, when we set up the new client, it'll download all the emails off the server too....

Is the only way to delete the contents of the server? :eek:

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That will depend on which email client you're using, but i think deleting all the email off the server, and importing the emails from the memory stick maybe your next option.
Is it a pop3 account?
If so, just disconnect from the internet, setup your mail account, import your mail from your flash drive.
Before reconnecting go into the send/receive settings and make any alts to stop them downloading. the webmail version and delete the mail that you DO NOT want downloading, PRIOR to creating the new mail account.
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I did not fancy deleting everything off the server as they don't have a delete all option, you have to do them in blocks, and Mrs Secure had a couple of thousand..... :cry:

But I've sorted it now!

RSI here I come...