Humming Noise

burygas";p="2015699 said:
Still have this humming problem 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.

Water board, Elec board, Plumber, Council, Enironmental Health have all been out and can`t find what the problem is. Nobody else in the street seems to be affected.

The whole house hums / vibrates, even with all the services turned off.

Anyone have any sensible ideas? Thanks :)

Mr B. Starfish.[/quote

Mr A N U S

Learn how to quote numbnuts :unsure:
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Have you asked next door to totally switch off the power/water stop tap in their house to see if its stops?
Have any of the experts used an EMF meter ? - OK , I`ve seen them used on Ghost Hunters :rolleyes: USA team - but those guys set out to Dis -prove hauntings and very often find electrical force anomalies with these EMF meters . symptoms of proximity to a force from whatever electrical source can be disconcerting . Hope this helps .
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Do all your neighbours and those visitors hear this?

Or do they look at you oddly and say they cannot hear it?

Did you see any aliens or spaceships?

Have you been tested for tinitus?
I have had the exact same problem and just tracked it down.
low level humming sound like a fridge (but not the fridge).
could hear it in the middle of the night.
Turned off the main breaker at the fuse box, no change.
however, the electricity meter is obviously still energised, and when i touched the meter it was vibrating. The meter is screwed on to a plywood board that is screwed on to the wall, which amplifies this sound.
So even when your not consuming any power the meter is still "humming".
I have wedged a bit of rubber against it to try and dampen it down while i find out how much the power company want for a replacement.
Dont mock - this is a pest of a noise - let me know if it helps anyone else out.

Why have none of the posters commented on this informative post? Weirdly, Agile had identified this (sort of) as a possible cuase years ago!
Its not weird to suggest this as a cause of a VERY small levelof noise.

However, "normal" people are not bothered by backgrounds noise and listen to radio and TV. They also may go to noisy pubs, discos etc.

There are a very small number of people, usually over 50 who choose to live in a totally quiet environment and read books! They complain about the slightest noise from their neighbours etc. or in this case a hum of perhaps 22 dBA from the electric meter.

A very clever expert on klystrons at the BBC called Ivor Tupper complained of hums at home. His BBC title was HTTS as BBC job title initials were famous.

My immediate advise was to have his hearing checked. After a few weeks he did and confirmed to me that he had been diagnosed as having titinus and thanked me for my initial diagnosis of the problem. He died a couple of years ago.

Agile";p="2039271 said:
Its not weird to suggest this as a cause of a VERY small levelof noise.
Agile";p="2039271 said:
I ment "weird" in the context that you raised the potential issue years ago, which was largely ignored, then a post appeared appeared from someone who had discovered the meter was the cause of the noise. And again, the post is ignored. If I was the sufferer I would have been straight to the meter to check.
Quite so!

But so many posters on forums either ignore good advice as if they cannot even see it. ( More than a few times I have asked if my advice was somehow invisible ).

In many cases its quite clear that thet have their own ideas and are just looking for others to agree with them. They ignone all other advice. This is particularly the case when they want to blame someone!

Thanks for the suggestions, I really appreciate them :)

The electric people came out and looked at the meter, said it was fine, there is no noise from or around the meter.

Yes other people can hear it in the house, they may have to sit in the quiet for ten minuites or so before they pick it out, it doesn`t seem to come from one specific place it just fills the house.

I can actually feel a vibration in my ear, that`s the worse bit, that`s worse than the apparent noise. I`ve had a hearing check and everything`s fine, thanks. In recent weeks the vibration has become ever so slightly louder and yet has no source.

Vibration is a movement of something hard.

Sound is a vibration in air. Better described as a wave pressure.

All sound/vibration has to have a source!

Can it be measured on my N33GJ sound level meter or a similar meter?
What is TITINUS Tony?

It is tinnitus spelt wrongly!

I expect I had something else on my mind while watching those late night films on the high number channels!

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