I hope the government don’t give free school meals in the half term.

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27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
As above. If they do, you’ll see nothing but people complaining about the waste of money. Looking around in our area, the local council are giving £15 per week for those on free school meals, local supermarkets, food banks, chip shops, cafés, restaurants, businesses and well meaning individuals etc are all offering free lunches for any child whose parents have less than three tattoo's on each arm and anything earlier than an iPhone X. We are going to have to put these fat buggers on a diet when half term is over!
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Maybe half term should be spent educating those who are willing to be educated in Home economics. The children in all this are the innocent ones they need a good decent diet so lets feed them.

Maybe Parents can earn tokens by attending education courses.

I have a great respect for you, but I have to disagree.

I feel you are being very cynical about those families who are in receipt of free school meals.

Are you saying the children who get free school meals are all overweight?

Out of interest, who runs your local council?
Mottie applauds the government when they pay him money he doesn't need

Mottie applauds the government when they refuse to pay out money for children to not be hungry.

The government give out huge contracts to bogus companies owned by Tory mates
Mottie stays silent.
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Mottie and his ilk are cynically casting around for excuses.

"Some of the people who behave badly are poor, therefore hungry children should not be fed."

And some of the people who behave badly are not poor, therefore...
Pandemic on, people have either lost their jobs or taken a cut in hours/wages. This isn't lazy parents, this is people who are stuffed because of a pandemic. The school meals request was to be extended until next Easter, as we know that this covid is starting to get worse, local lockdowns are happening.. more jobs lost. Even if some parents are crap at being a parent, this is not any child's fault - they didn't ask to be born and they didn't chose their parents.

Mottie, how on earth can you be so uncaring? This is a civilised country, well, supposed to be. Children going hungry is about the least civilised it can be in this day and age. £15 a week isn't a lot of money either to feed a child for a week. This isn't taxpayers funding someone to live your lifestyle of fancy coffee pods and bottles of wine, this is basic, cheap groceries.
FFS it was a half jokey post! Of course I don’t want to see any child go hungry and I regularly make substantial food and toiletry donations to my local food bank but at the moment, everyone seems to be jumping on the 'feed the kids' bandwagon. Too many in fact. From the observations in MY AREA alone, they have it covered so that kids who are on free school meals can get some food from many different avenues. My joke about parents with less than three tattoos and anything less than an iPhone X was a flippant comment illustrating that to get free meals, there is no means testing. £15 is not to feed a child for a week - it’s just to replace the free school meals they will not be getting while the school is closed - one meal a day for 5 days.

On a related matter, I only work with special needs kids at present but a few years ago when I had larger classes of mainstream students, many were on free school meals so at the start of each term, the Borough would supply me with Luncheon Vouchers worth £3 per child for me to give out at lunch break to those that got free school meals. It was very rare they took them as the local corner shop didn't take them and neither did the independent chicken shop at the end of the road. They never went short though because they all came with lunch money - usually spent on crisps, chocolate and fizzy drink. They used to throw the vouchers at each other or in the bin! I even suggested that they took them home, gave them to their parents to put against the weekly shop as they were valid in all supermarkets. Again, no interest. In the end, I ended up using them to buy milk, sugar and breakfast cereals to let those that came in early have a breakfast as it really makes a difference when you are trying to teach a hungry child - they have very little concentration. The parents would send them off to school on an empty stomach. That’s child neglect in my books - often it’s the parents that need educating.
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