I was lucky. Paraffin heater shock.

12 Jul 2011
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United Kingdom
I was burning the paraffin heater on Friday afternoon in the shed while clearing out some stuff to throw out, because it was really windy and cold outside, and shed temperature was arctic.

But there was a call in the house from wife, and I hurriedly put off the paraffin heater. And covered the top of the chimney with an old tin lid, as normally I do for safety.

I checked the heater was definitely off, as there was no burning, and the usual smoke came out when putting it off. I locked the shed and went into the house.

I have not gone to the shed over the weekend with many other things going in the house, and had to go to the town for some chores. The weather was wet, windy and very cold anyway. The weekend was not ideal for garden / shed working.

Today I had something to put into the shed (230mm angle grinder blades arrived for my Erbauer grinder). As I opened the shed door, I was met with the thick smoke in the shed from the paraffin heater. Nothing was visible in the shed, but just thick smoke with strong chemical burning smell.

I had to leave the door open to clear the smoke. Shockingly the paraffin heater was smoking out, and it has been smoking out all over the weekend. It burnt most of the paraffin in the fuel tank, and there was no fire or burning in the wick, but just smoke.

I took out the heater to the outside. As the heater was placed outside under the strong wind, it totally died off. No more smoke.
But the shed was still full of smoke, and the smell was toxic.

I cautiously checked out everything in the shed, and all was OK apart from the smoke and the smell of the strong chemical burning.

I think I was extremely lucky. I had to wear a mask to get into the shed, but when I came into the house, my throat was raw with the smoky smell. My clothes and mask are also very smelly with the chemical burning. I think I should stop using the paraffin heater. But if using it again, maybe putting off procedure must be reviewed. Never ever put off paraffin heaters in hurry, and leave the place. Potential danger. A lesson learnt from the real experience.
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