idiots up mountains

30 Jan 2006
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United Kingdom
couldve tagged this onto the iraq post but maybe hijacking.
But speaking of people who go off and do things and put others at risk having to rescue them, this really gets my goat.
Stupid people who go off in totally unsuitable gear and then expect mountain rescue and others to help!

Living in a hilly rural county, this is not unusual.

I have seen people view their rescue as a right not a service carried out by volunteers.
Im not saying, leave people stranded but I do get fed up with people who just go off and then expect the mountain rescue and the forces helicopter to put themselves at risk finding them.
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well said my sweet heart ....

I think they should be made to pay ... an get insurance like sunday league footie lads have to get now , 1mill excess is norm for footie ..
toffee said:
couldve tagged this onto the iraq post but maybe hijacking.
But speaking of people who go off and do things and put others at risk having to rescue them, this really gets my goat.
Stupid people who go off in totally unsuitable gear and then expect mountain rescue and others to help!

Living in a hilly rural county, this is not unusual.

I have seen people view their rescue as a right not a service carried out by volunteers.
Im not saying, leave people stranded but I do get fed up with people who just go off and then expect the mountain rescue and the forces helicopter to put themselves at risk finding them.
Well your right and the women left at home would whole heartedly agree with you but as a member of the emergency services for 14yrs in the coastguard and pals in the RNLI I can tell you that they wouldn't have it any other way, the only thing is they always want rescuing on your kids birthday party or when your in a restaurant celebrating an anniversary.
oh yes... and then the rally round, who is sober!!!!!!

man the radios, excellent coverage far better (well not now) than other emergency service coverage)

I would get lost myself up a fell but well able to make meals for cold rescuers!!!

Just some people are so damned ungrateful!
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I lived in a seaside village and every so often a flare would go off, really loud like a gun shot.
Everyone would pause and wait... either one flare or two would go off depending on whether it was for real or a practice. (life boat)
If it was for real, my tummy would turn, both for the people needing rescued and for the safety of my family who risked their lives manning the boat.

Some of the life boat crew, years ago died, going out to try and rescue a boat in danger but the shout was later thought to be a hoax.

was anyone caught for being the voice behind the Boy David hoax?
There was something on the radio today about the fire service being called out on hoax call,s, you'd think they have a system to be able to trace 999 calls but I guess there worried it'll put people off on genuinne emerganceys
they can.... which is why you will still get a turn out even if you are say, too ill to speak after dialling.
^ what ..?

in all areas of the UK the Fire Service monitor/record all calls can trace like the police can trace wether they use 141 caller withheld ..
most people dont even think .......its 999..
toffee said:
or were you referring to radio sos
not sure, maybe its public call box's but they said the fire services get hundreds of hoax call's which wastes so much of their time.

My dad was a fireman, he got called out once to a chip pan fire to find that one of the people involved was my sister(his daughter) round at a pals house making supper, he was not amused :LOL:
Just a general thought which links this post to others tonight:
Is a desire to control what other people do in their own time, or what they choose to drive, or where they choose to go, a step too far in the direction of big brother?
We are controlled in almost everything we do today and I think that the limit on controlling personal freedom has been reached.
There is ample sources of information for anyone to adequately train themselves for any activity, and the rescue organisation ethics have already been adequately covered. I dont agree with individuals going into dangerous countries to 'help' the population there, but who am I to stop them?
We all have opinions, desires, skills and needs, we are all different people living different lives and must be allowed to live them.
Did you know that there was a labour MP who advocated a total ban on knives in the home, especially kitchen knives! she said that it was possible to have anything you wanted to cut or slice be pre-sliced/cut by professionally trained and qualified persons in controlled environments, and this would reduce accidents and deaths in the home. Well it would, you cant argue that, but who wants to be controlled like that? If we carry on trying to justify controlling other people actions, then legislation like this will happen.
It's time to say no more pc-ness and stop controlling my life.
Dellsmp, not sure exactly your point so just clarifying.

what are your views on this scenario?

People who go walking in potentially lethal terrain as is their right to go where they want when they want.
They tell no one of their plans and they are totally ill equipped to do it.

Said people get injured and sit and wait for it... they wait... expecting to be rescued (and they are eventually).

Do you think it is okay to be irresponsible about your safety but then expect others to come and risk their life to help you?
No its not okay to go out ill prepared or badly trained.
Anyone undertaking any activity should do their utmost to learn the correct skills and the right gear for the task in hand, including route planning and leaving details with responsible persons.
I am a qualified mountain leader for the Scout association (I am fed up with the jokes) I have BCU inland proficiency and instructor certificates, My first job was a canoe instructor at a childrens activity centre and I fully support all rescue organisations.
My point was that the time has come where the amount of control busy bodies want to place on ALL aspect of life has become excessive.
All activities have adequate controlling bodies, the people who go out and do the things you cite are going to anyway, they cant help it, they will find something to try and fail at no matter what.
But You are correct, going to Iraq to help was noble but stupid.
I saw 2 women walking up the pig track onto snowdon wearing high heels.

Every time I go up Kinder Scout, which is 2000 ft above sea level and is the highest and toughest area of the peak district I see people in ordinary shoes and t-shirts etc. The weather up there can change from sunshine to almost nil visibility and sideways rain within minutes and it's a long way back to shelter. Some people are just bonkers.

There was a story in the news last year (and I think there was a thread on here about it) about a teacher who had taken a group of under-equipped schoolgirls onto a Welsh mountain and they all had to be rescued.

I reckon that people generally believe that the UK is such a safe place to live that they don't have to worry about things going wrong up a mountain. Remember that a lot of people who live in cities are not familiar with the countryside and probably have no idea how to be prepared for high-level walking.
Apart from the RAF mountain rescue is a voluntary service in this country and should be left that way. Rescuers do it because they want to and there is an element of glamour and even elitism involved. Also danger discomfort and inconvenience.
We'll never be free from fools and incompetent people, they're just part of the human race. Someone has to look out for them....
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