Iffy mixer tap

5 Dec 2004
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United Kingdom
When I turn on the hot water on the mixer tap in the bath after a few seconds, well about a minute, the water cools down from hot to luke warm. I have found that if I reduce the flow to half way it becomes hot and stays hot. Is this due to a faulty ceramic washer or something else.?
The adjacent mixer tap in the wash basin is ok.
The water is heated from a combi boiler.
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No apparent fault here, it just shows that your combi cant cope with the water demand you are asking from it.....all pretty typical!
John :)
If that is so why are the other 3 mixer taps and the shower not similarly affected.
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I understand the logic here and can only assume the bath taps are capable of a much greater water delivery.
Assuming the volume of water isn't affected, of course!
John :)

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