iOS version 7

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Yes it looks different, icons look worse than before but has some very good features.
It's sluggish due to too much animation and has some major security holes.
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Ffs it really is a bag of poo. How can I get back to the previous version?
What's fairly amusing is that Apple create a proprietary interface based on an open source unix platform (BSD Unix) :LOL:
Is this the download version or the one that comes with the iPhone 5, i'd imagine they're the same though?

Read some stories of 10 hour download times and then error messages saying download had failed, they must be trying to download via 3G for it to take that long and with errors. Never had any trouble updating android, i just go round to a friends house and download via his 20meg virgin connection with wifi, 10 mins and its done

When will people learn?
I ignored the update for a few days, I updated today and it installed instantly, must of already downloaded it sometime over the last few days.

I don't know if I don't like it because it's cr@p, or if it's just different, so I don't like it for that reason.
OK with the rest of iOS7, but the calendar app is CARP. There I have said it Apple, please, do something to make it usable if you have plumbers banana fingers
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