
Personally I hope she beats it and gets the best treatment available...
Liar! You absolutely hate and detest the monarchy and anyone connected to it as a simple search on your posts on this forum containing the word monarchy will show. Why the sudden change of mind?
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Personally I hope she beats it and gets the best treatment available...

Sadly many others will be at the same time lingering on a long waiting list for non private treatment and crossing their fingers that the NHS comes through for them...

Cancer indeed has no respect for who you are, but who you are in terms of position/wealth very often dictates the outcome!

Thanks for the propaganda, you old sourpuss. :rolleyes::LOL:
Personally I hope she beats it and gets the best treatment available...

Sadly many others will be at the same time lingering on a long waiting list for non private treatment and crossing their fingers that the NHS comes through for them...

Cancer indeed has no respect for who you are, but who you are in terms of position/wealth very often dictates the outcome!
Ellal, are you ever lighten up?

You seem angry literally 24/7

It’s so bad, I suggest you seek counselling, because it’s having a detrimental affect on your life.
A story designed to elicit sympathy from the public and boost their approval ratings.


Me-ghan will be seething at poor ol' Harry about it and demand he contracts a sypathetic disease in order to boost their profile, sometime soon.
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