Keeping the money and the tax - NCP

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We've all seen the parking pay and display terminals that say "No change given". Well it turns out NCP make around £2.5M doing this and have had the cheek to argue they shouldn't pay VAT/Tax on the money they keep..

pretty cheeky.


Showing how vacuous the idea of "taking back control of our money" is?

You betcha.
So you like them keeping your change and not paying tax on it on the basis they stole it.
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because you wrote a pointless off topic reply rather than comment on the story.
1) It was not pointless.

2) It was not off topic.

3) It was a comment on the story.

4) in what kind of world would an intelligent, reasoned analysis of it lead to the conclusion that it meant I like them keeping the change and not paying tax on it on the basis they stole it?

Over and over and over again you do this.

Over and over and over again you show that you cannot, or will not, apply logic, reason intelligence in your participation in discussions.

Over and over and over again you show that you are not good enough at this to warrant being here.
Oh Wise B-A-S please tell us how
Showing how vacuous the idea of "taking back control of our money" is?
is relevant to the thread.
I know you don't live in it, but it is relevant to the real world, and thus it is a relevant comment to make on this real-world instance.

I note that you have still not managed to come up with an intelligent, reasoned analysis which leads to the conclusion that I like them keeping the change and not paying tax on it on the basis they stole it.
On the plus side, NCP's toilet facilities are free to use.
On the negative side, they double-up as stairwells (at least they do, in the car park I recently used in Birmingham)......
two ways off looking at this and i haven't read the thread
keeping extra money could be seen as unfair terms off contract
but iff seen inevitable but fair then its part off the contract so taxable as such
if seen as unfair but not practicable to return to the correct people should go to charity or good causes
Or we just have a law which forbids the robbing ($$&(s from not giving change. They'd not dream of having machines which can't give change if they were selling something optional, like confectionery, it isn't a technical problem.
Or we just have a law which forbids the robbing ($$&(s from not giving change. They'd not dream of having machines which can't give change if they were selling something optional, like confectionery, it isn't a technical problem.
Do any car park ticket machines give change?

I cant remember any council ones around here that do.

As I said - if they wanted to sell you a choccy bar or a drink, they'd have machines which give change, as they know full well that you'd say "$)(*)%(*%# that" and not buy anything if you wouldn't get change.

They also know full well that people have, in practice, got no choice when it comes to paying for parking, so they cynically don't give change.

The law I'd like to see would apply to councils, hospitals, etc. Everyone.
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