Killing and seeding/turfing front lawn

22 Jul 2016
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United Kingdom
my front lawn (6m x 6m) is bloody terrible
It's full of weeds/ the odd dandelion type tap root thing/ and is only green due to the non grass plants. It's also a bit high. It's in the shelter of the house, being to the north of the house.

I want to kill/remove the existing lawn and replace it with turf or seed. Possibly scalping the lawn to lower it.

I am tempted to sow seed because you do hear of lawns being lifted overnight! Not that I am in a high crime area but it's an open plan estate so no boundaries/fences. Seed is also cheaper

Should I hire a turf stripper and strip the top, using a hippo bag or similar? Should I do it early in the new year and cover the area with a tarp? Then seed when it warms up? April?

I could put it all off and do this so that I plant in September?

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Is the area quite large? If so yes, hire something to make life easier! :)

Weed killer works when plants are actively growing, so a bit late in the year now to start with that ready for the new year. Don't know about you but had a few weeks of frost here and everything has stopped growing. While removing the turf now would be easier as the ground is soft, you need to kill deep rooted weeds first really. If it was me, I'd be tempted to wait until Spring, apply weedkiller and wait a couple of weeks to judge how it's looking and if the weeds are dead enough then remove turf.

You can buy lawn seed for shady areas if that helps, may get a stronger lawn out of it. Turf is much much easier, seed is cheap but birds love it, esp blackbirds I find and you may need to net it over. I've also found that the seed grows much much better when covered with a light bit of soil than just scattered and loosly raked in. You'll need to water it every day too, same as new turf.
Dig it all over than lay down a tarp sheet. This will let everything die and rot underneath. Then next spring level add some topsoil and turf it. Much quicker result and will stop weeds coming back.
I'd agree with STFF's method. A garden is not a quick job that you can cut corners on if you want a good finish. All weed roots need to be killed to prevent regrowth and covering with tarpaulin, or any other light blocking method, simply doesn't work in the long run. I have a meadow to the side of my house and the farmer said I could do what I wished within a 6' border of the fence which was a veritable forest of nettles. I strimmed them all down to ground level and covered with some old artificial grass I removed from the main garden, (why people use this cr ap is beyond me!). The following year we got the occasional nettle pushing through the artificial grass which I simply cut down. Last year the forest was beginning to come back. Early this year the farmer gave me some powder, (no idea what it was but think it was called something like glosphate), so I removed the artificial stuff and spread the powder all over and they all died back with no further growth. The test will come next year when we see if anymore start to come through.
Gardening takes time and patience but is well worth the effort. Ignore these programmes that do a make over in 2-3 days. In reality it takes over a week to 10 days to achieve what they do and often the plants fail after a short while because everything was rushed for the cameras.
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I second the turf suggestion.

I did this very thing on my previous lawn, and regretted not using turf, as I was out every spring with more grass seed to top up bare patches. Ended up spending so much on grass seed, it was probably cheaper to turf it!

No suggestions on preventing someone nicking it though. Maybe a scarecrow dressed as a policeman?

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