
As others have said they sound a bit pricey. I'm sure I paid £80-90 for 1500, although that was a few years ago now.

I've had a lot of luck with leaflets. If your a new business and have some spare days then delivering leaflets is no hardship - and you can tailor where you deliver to.
Quite often it was 6-12 months before I got a call, but when I went round my A5 flyer would be stuck to the fridge 'just in case'.

I agree that if you have your leaflet delivered with a load of others it probably will get binned, but if it comes though on its own (I didn't deliver on the same day as the free paper) it stands a chance of getting looked at.

Adverts in the paper will get a bigger audience for less effort, but there will probably be competitors advertising on the same page.
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From experience leaflets get binned.
Do some good local work and get word of mouth, it spreads faster and is cheaper.
hi i have been plumbing for 10 years and gas fitting for 5 i just renewed my gas and have deciced to go it alone, i was having some leaflets made which were double sided and were quite nice looking, not just plain. The price is 350.00 for 5000 from vistaprint does this sound about right for todays terms plus cheaper then other forms of advertising, just wanted other peoples points of view many thanks and happy new year

5000 is too many mate, get 1k printed. Most importantly is that the van is sign written and a for sale sign size correx board is on the house for as long as possible as this does the job of at least 100 leaflets.

Last year we pulled in 7 jobs from static correx signs and 2 from the van.

I'll be honest from experience like Alarm said most leaflets get chucked away. Have some leaflets made that say "Look outside at number .....[You fill in the house number]." Another quality central heating system installed by ......" Up to 40% off installations this Spring." and deliver in the street you've worked.
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I paid £150 (including design) for 5000 and they were good quality, so I would not pay over that. leaflets can get you some work but not much, but i believe the best thing to do would be get a website and learn how to optimise it, this takes time but when you get to the top of google your guaranteed to get work.
Ive had Vistaprint a5 cards done. The price is about average you quote here. But its really worth talking to small local printers as well. These guys can do a good job for less in many cases and they are afterall YOUR local contractor. Also considered 2 colour (black and white also as colour is very costly and you really will have to use all the 5000 to get some money off set. The issue with leaflet drops at the moment is 90% of people will throw them in the recycling. I did a leaflet drop in September about 500 houses and got 1 call. If you do go down the drop route make sure you do it on a day or time the royal mail isnt delivering as these guys place loads of leafets in weekly from all sorts of suppliers etc and if yours are in the pile on the floor then theres a greater chance of the recycling bin getting them next.

good luck with it....