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The best answer I got from a friend was that it was a job for quadratic equations - but other than that, she can't remember how to work it out!!!!

That's what I thought. I couldn't remember how to factor a quadratic. But when I simplified the equation the factors canceled themselves out.

I'm off now to prove that E does equal mc^2. Don't worry if you hear a bang..
Surely quadratic equations is beyond the remit of even the cleverest 12 year old?

I'm damned if I can work that out. I've been sitting drawing bloomin diagrams thinking I had it sussed but it doesn't work.
They say that pride comes before a fall. But who cares? Tonight I am proud beyond my wildest dreams. My son came home from school tonight with an award. In the "UK Junior Maths Challange", Master Bolo received a gold certificate. Am I chuffed or am I chuffed?

PS HE still wont tell me the answer because it is just possible that, if I print it here, then someone who has entered the challange, may read it and get an unfair advantage.

Edit: Anyone want to have a go at Question 2?
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But did he tell you the bloody answer??????

Seriously though, that's excellent. Maths was never my strong point and I admire anyone that can actually sail through maths. That's one brainy young lad you've got there.

Now torture him for the answer..............................
But did he tell you the b****y answer??????

Seriously though, that's excellent. Maths was never my strong point and I admire anyone that can actually sail through maths. That's one brainy young lad you've got there.

Now torture him for the answer..............................

No kidding, I offered him £10 if he would tell me the answer, but no he cannot be bribed.
A kid with principles in this day and age!!!!

I'm horrified!

Or is he holding out for a larger sum being offered? :LOL: :LOL:
lv'e walted all week for thls answer, don't do thls to me, answer me one Q? was softus on the rlght track ? ( vlrtual £10 donatlon) :LOL:
Just looked at this and i am shocked and stunned ,with the amount of wrong answers to such a basic question. The ones who have got it right have used far too complicated equations for what is really a basic question , No wonder bolo`s boy is laughing
Just looked at this and i am shocked and stunned ,with the amount of wrong answers to such a basic question. The ones who have got it right (namely, .....?....., .....?....., .....?..... and .....?.....) have used far too complicated equations for what is really a basic question , No wonder bolo`s boy is laughing

You may well be right. My son hadn't realised that there was a question on the back of the paper and answered this question in a few minutes on the day the work was to be handed in. I was sitting on the opposite settee but got a glimpse of the working out before he put it in his bag. It resembled, but was much shorter than Empip's. That said, Empip's beakdown would be much easier to follow (?). BTW could you fill in the blanks please and, for the benefit of those like me who are less than gifted at maths, show us the short and easy way of working out the solution to this problem?
PS The certificate my son brought home yesterday, was for last years maths challange. This years are awarded next year.
Just looked at this and i am shocked and stunned ,with the amount of wrong answers to such a basic question. The ones who have got it right have used far too complicated equations for what is really a basic question , No wonder bolo`s boy is laughing

The dunces corner is a bit crowded at the moment, but unless you can provide the working out, you're in. :)

For all our sanity, please.

Then Bolo can give us question 2.
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