Need to improve my social media skills

12 Apr 2011
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United Kingdom
Good Morning folks

I am hopeless at social media and desperately need to improve my skills.

Could someone be kind enough to recommend any online courses (preferably free) that I could do in order to improve my skills?

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How do you mean?

This forum is social media isn't it? Same as the others but without the selfies.
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Except it's the dispariging look they give you when you ask, and the dismissive answer when they flounce out of the room because they've got more important things to do.

This is not about improving his social media skills in the abslute sense, more about teaching how to use the relevant programs.

You'll find a lot of tutorials on facebook for the programs you want Geek, but if you're anything like me, it just won't sink in.
I can't stand them. If you believed them, everyone out there is having a fantastic time. So fantastic that they feel they must 'check in' at every place they briefly stop at, post up every meal they eat, every pair of shoes they try on and post up a thousand and one pictures of their facebook face complete with 'duck lips'. They all think they are celebrities and that the whole world is hanging on to every minute detail of their lives waiting for the next instalment. Yep, I can't stand that type of soshul meeja.
I agree, social media is pointless on a whole tho I can understand why it's useful for businesses.

If you want to learn more, then try using google. Type in the words 'online free tuition for twitter/facebook/whatever' and see what comes up and is suitable for you.
They have their uses, linkedin for example can be useful for getting your cv out there for example and/or linking up with job agencies, depending on the profession, a necessary evil unfortunately seeing as the recruitment agencies love them. Facebook I've found helpful for various groups, I'm a member of a particular school class group and it's useful for discussing odd school issues or if someone wants their kid dropped off for example, some tradesmen thrive on their too. Twitter - well that one leaves me dumbstruck. Internet forums - well here we are. So plenty of documented negativity with social media but actually plenty of positive uses too.
Can be useful I suppose, but personally uninterested in it. Fits my personality profile I guess.
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