Hello, can anyone help with a situation?
Over a month ago we agreed to let out neighbours have access to our garden for their builders to re-render the side of their wall. It has involved removing a pergola and uprooting some plants for them to erect scaffold. We agreed as we wanted to keep friendly with our neighbours and was assured it would only take 2 weeks.
They wake us at 8:15 every morning to gain access through our side gate.
Well basically it is 4 weeks into the work and we are not happy.
For the last 2 days they have not even bothered working on the wall in our garden but have carried on the work along the rest of the neighbour's house and are using our garden for access across the scaffold and to store their cement mixer and leaving our garden unmanned while all the time our garden gate is left unlocked all day. They have almost finished the rendering save for a strip along the bottom. The way I see it they are saving that bit at the bottom as an excuse to store their cement mixer in our garden. NOT HAPPY
We are fuming that they have not finished the wall at the end of our garden before they carry on with the rest of the house. They have outstayed their welcome by 2 weeks AND they are taking liberties. To add insult to injury one of our uprooted plants has already died and it was one of my favourites. This was one of the concerns we aired with them at the beginning.
I've run out of patience and want them to get the hell out of my garden. This is the 5th weekend I can not sit out and enjoy my plants as it is only a wee garden and the uprooted plants and dismantled pergola are taking up what little space we had.
To top it all I've been off work sick for 2 weeks and could have done with relaxing in my garden.
When they knock on the door tomorrow at 8:15 I have half a mind not to answer it!
A friend suggested we charge them money for use of our garden, or we deny them access. Or would that be seen as blackmail?
Please can someone tell me my rights
Here are some pics to give an idea of the chaos. As you can see from the image from the back bedroom we are surrounded by builders!!!
Over a month ago we agreed to let out neighbours have access to our garden for their builders to re-render the side of their wall. It has involved removing a pergola and uprooting some plants for them to erect scaffold. We agreed as we wanted to keep friendly with our neighbours and was assured it would only take 2 weeks.
They wake us at 8:15 every morning to gain access through our side gate.
Well basically it is 4 weeks into the work and we are not happy.
We are fuming that they have not finished the wall at the end of our garden before they carry on with the rest of the house. They have outstayed their welcome by 2 weeks AND they are taking liberties. To add insult to injury one of our uprooted plants has already died and it was one of my favourites. This was one of the concerns we aired with them at the beginning.
I've run out of patience and want them to get the hell out of my garden. This is the 5th weekend I can not sit out and enjoy my plants as it is only a wee garden and the uprooted plants and dismantled pergola are taking up what little space we had.
To top it all I've been off work sick for 2 weeks and could have done with relaxing in my garden.
When they knock on the door tomorrow at 8:15 I have half a mind not to answer it!
A friend suggested we charge them money for use of our garden, or we deny them access. Or would that be seen as blackmail?
Please can someone tell me my rights
Here are some pics to give an idea of the chaos. As you can see from the image from the back bedroom we are surrounded by builders!!!