Oh, so it’s not just the usual Christmas excess combined with the new strain of Covid resulting in the frogs jumping at the chance to be spiteful by refusing access to anything from the U.K.? Get real and come back in January blaming us for a little difficulty in getting some salad for your sarnies for a week to two. Boohoo.

Poor Mottie buries his head in the sand, if only wasn't such a scared little lamb he would be able to google the truth.

Hear ya go a selection from the 1st page of google results:
(Cover your eyes if it's too painful for you, little snowflake)

"Volume of vehicles entering Britain as businesses stockpile ahead of Brexit has rocketed by 40%"

Brexit stockpile causes cross-channel cargo crisis

‘Significant uncertainty’ – stockpiling fuels huge lorry queues as Brexit talks go down to the wire
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well that's funny.

Today, moaning mottie isn't saying "I don't care."
Breaking news:

"Brexit day" is to be delayed again.

"Boris Johnson has ruled out extending the deadline for reaching a post-Brexit trade deal into 2021, amid a deadlock in talks and a growing Covid crisis."

So we know it will be , but, so far, don't know how long.
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Oh, so it’s not just the usual Christmas excess combined with the new strain of Covid resulting in the frogs jumping at the chance to be spiteful by refusing access to anything from the U.K.? Get real and come back in January blaming us for a little difficulty in getting some salad for your sarnies for a week to two. Boohoo.

This is a taster that will effect business and People both sides of the sea.
Effecting real.pepples lifes. And not just British lifes.
The reality will have EU business banging on their governments doors .
EU business banging on their governments doors .

that old chestnut.

Bodd has not noticed UK business banging on their government's door.

“F**k business.” Never was the Brexit manifesto more succinctly captured than in Boris Johnson’s impromptu aside. As slogans go, it has everything. It surfs the populist wave of anger towards elites. It is easy to understand. Hell, it’s even shorter than “take back control”.
Bodd has not noticed UK business banging on their government's door.

I believe you John. But do you really think the same is not happening the other side of the sea.
Do you think they don't have families to feed and do you think they will all just take it on the Chin
Poor Mottie buries his head in the sand, if only wasn't such a scared little lamb he would be able to google the truth.

Hear ya go a selection from the 1st page of google results:
(Cover your eyes if it's too painful for you, little snowflake)

"Volume of vehicles entering Britain as businesses stockpile ahead of Brexit has rocketed by 40%"

Brexit stockpile causes cross-channel cargo crisis

‘Significant uncertainty’ – stockpiling fuels huge lorry queues as Brexit talks go down to the wire
Please feel free to tell me exactly WHAT you are short of.
He doesn't care about anyone but himself, so maybe the truth may be dawning?
I care about your sons. How are those medic sons of yours getting on with their rona jabs? They had 'em yet?
I believe you John. But do you really think the same is not happening the other side of the sea.
Do you think they don't have families to feed and do you think they will all just take it on the Chin

Losing a small percentage of your trade, when you have a huge market on your doorstep, is not as worrying as losing your largest partner, with no idea what to do or how many tiny countries you need to buddy up with.
Losing a small percentage of your trade, when you have a huge market on your doorstep, is not as worrying as losing your largest partner, with no idea what to do or how many tiny countries you need to buddy up with.

Its individual businesses , peoples own little worlds , they don't give a flying monkey how it will affect us or the politics . What they care about is their lifes ... now. They just need and want to do their job and put food on the table.

Do you honestly think they are all prepared to take a hit while their MPs sit in the glass offices.
Do you honestly think they are all prepared to take a hit while their MPs sit in the glass offices.

If you think your government will be influenced by your local greengrocer or plumber, you are mistaken.

Have you seen any evidence that your Brexit government is prepared to make sacrifices to support UK business, including financial services, which greatly exceeed the total value of all UK manufacturing?

Do you think the EU is willing to sacrifice the integrity of the Single Market?
If you think your government will be influenced by your local greengrocer or plumber, you are mistaken.

Have you seen any evidence that your Brexit government is prepared to make sacrifices to support UK business, including financial services, which greatly exceeed the total value of all UK manufacturing?

Do you think the EU is willing to sacrifice the integrity of the Single Market?

So your saying. By protecting the single market requires 20 mile car parks and destroying businesses and peoples lifes on both sides
from now till eternity ??
So your saying. By protecting the single market requires 20 mile car parks and destroying businesses and peoples lifes on both sides
from now till eternity ??

There are a number of options available to non-members who wish to trade in the Single Market.

UK chose to resign its membership, and rejected all the options offered.

The Brextremists are delighted to see UK damaged in thus way.
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