Not really. It had been held up, stalled and frustrated for most of that time by whingers like you.

Silly mottie thinks I have the power to obstruct or delay the government.

In fact, it was Johnson, Gove and Rees-Mogg who did that.
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Its just what I'm trying to say... it hurts both sides
In the short term, but in the case of Covid it may delay the spread of the British variant and save lives and economic damage.

The damage to the French side is going to be less than to us as it's not just French goods that are being stopped going to us, we're being deprived of far more than just their output. We have no benefit at all from the border restrictions, so the win/loss ratio is just loss.

Both sides yes, both sides equally no. Nor does the French side automatically lose out overall by this.
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The UK has massive trade with the EU, 10,000 trucks go through Dover each day

You voted for massive trade barriers on those 10,000 trucks each day.....what did you think would happen.

I'm watching the News. Its the EU truck drivers who are struggling to get home, its their lifes thats going to be ruined. They will not want to ever come here again.
No, he is the crap

Never mind, Macron says I've shut the border as you wanted to be independent.

He's shut the border because he wants to protect his country from the Mutant. I dont blame him. I feel for all the foreign drivers who just want to be home for Christmas.

This is going to pan out different to what you think... The way you talk is as if only the UK businesses and drivers then consumer will suffer...

The realisation will be that EU Drivers and business will be caught up in the New year point scoring. Their lives could be affected for ever.
Will Johnson cave in today on fishing?

Or has he got to run down the clock more?
Correct. He has said it multiple times. He just wants out like bodd and sod the consequences.
You always miss out the bit about it will be worth it...Too busy applauding the EU and hope they sht on can ski in the Cairngorms instead...Unless Sturgeon tells you to go away.Then it is apre ski in the Pennines.
It's been expected for four years, unless our Brexit government could achieve what they claimed it would.

They couldn't.

Courtesy of awkward foreigners

They couldn't achieve it because the bundle of brexer claims are impossible.

Since the objectives and benefits of Brexit have never been defined and agreed, they just bumble along to see what happens.
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