a deal in the style of Canada
Nothing like a Canada deal.

Canada CETA is not a Free Trade Agreement, it still has tariffs

And it has a Level Playing Field, state aid and doesn't include services.

Boris Johnson said it was like a Canada deal.....but he is a lying Tory.
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There will be a deal ;)

There was always going to be a deal ;)

Negotiating caper will be going on for yeeeeeaaaaaaaaars
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Yes Johnson caved in, as we all knew he would.

Johnson ran down the we all knew he would

Johnson will lie and sell it as a we all know he will

How much has he given them?, I've seen no details as yet.
Fishing Concessions

Foreign boats will gradually reduce there quotas

This negotiating will still go on for yeeeeeaaaars
Yes Johnson caved in, as we all knew he would.

Johnson ran down the we all knew he would

Johnson will lie and sell it as a we all know he will

Same as the EU than :LOL:

EacH will. Make claims and counter claims

Each will talk the dogs breaflkfast up :LOL:

Tis the way this negotiating s***E works :LOL:
Starmer and labour will whinge about how they could have got a better dogs breakfast :LOL:

Nicola and the snp will whinge saying it's a dogsbreakfast :LOL:
  1. sir gad and John d will whinge that its a dogs breakfast :LOL:
And transam does not give a s*** :LOL:
Can't wait to see Bridgen, Francois, Cash et al, choking as they lie about what a great deal Boris beat out of the EU. If Labour have an ounce of sense they will abstain when it goes to vote and even before it all goes south, keep reminding the country (ad nauseam) whose deal it is, and whose idea Brexit was. The fun keeps coming.
Can't wait to see Bridgen, Francois, Cash et al, choking as they lie about what a great deal Boris beat out of the EU. If Labour have an ounce of sense they will abstain when it goes to vote and even before it all goes south, keep reminding the country (ad nauseam) whose deal it is, and whose idea Brexit was. The fun keeps coming.

No deal would have given an easy win for Starmer....nothing to vote on, blame in one direction only
How much has he given them?, I've seen no details as yet.

If Johnson had got what he wanted he wouldn't be keeping it secret.

As Ive said for months....Johnson is running down the clock and will announce a deal at the very last moment to avoid scrutiny.

I'm sure you will fall for the grandstanding lies.
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